Friday, October 28, 2011

CLD #412

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
When one follows the Halacha of Shenayim Mikrah Echad Targum, which is the reading of the Parasha (twice) and the Targum (Aramaic translation once), they realize so many things that are going on and it is almost impossible to pick up all there is to learn. Parashat Noach, along with the entire Torah, is packed with things to learn. 
When reading the Parasha, the Torah goes through many instances, from the actual reasoning why the Mabul (Flood) from Noach’s time happened to the preparations before the Mabul, to the actual Mabul itself, and on and on. 
Modern Picture of Noah's Ark (box looking shape
on left) during the Mabul.
By the end of the Parasha, after the Mabul, the entire world was united because only Lashon HaKodesh, the language of the Torah (Biblical Hebrew) was spoken. This created a unification system between the people of the world. The Torah begins the Migdal Bavel passage (Tower of Babel) by saying the people of the time were united under one language and they decided to build a huge tower (that was bigger than the Twin Towers by the way according to the Midrash).
So after they began the planning and building (imagine hundreds of thousands of people working together and loving eachother, not like today’s construction of 5,000 people to build a skyscraper), the Torah explains they did this because they believed if they would not have done this Hashem would have scattered them “upon the face of the earth” (Bereshit 11:4, On this phrase, Rashi explains that they wanted to do this in order to rule the world so they would be in charge of what their destiny would be. I thought it was just weird that suddenly the entire world’s population want to create a tower to reach Hashem.
Anyway, the next Pasuk is what we should focus on: it says “VaYered Hashem…,” And Hashem descended… Hashem descends? Hashem is only up in Shamayim and every time we call to Him, He comes down ‘physically’ and listens to us? Absolutely not. We all know “Hashem is here, Hashem is there, Hashem is everywhere!”
So why does the Torah describe Hashem as descending to view th huge sin of the building of Migdal Bavel, Hashem does not need to descend anywhere to see what is happening? Rashi explains beautifully: (Thank G-d for Rashi) The Torah described this to teach Judges to judge ONLY when they actually see the wick perform the acts of wickedness and UNDERSTAND that the actions are wicked.
This is amazing. What is one of the reason’s Hashem wrote in this Pasuk: “descended?” To teach us to make sure we investigate and research before we make any conclusions.
Unfortunately, it is very easy to jump to conclusions. If someone only obtained a little level of patience, then he/she would save so much trouble for him/herself.
We all experienced times where if we would have waited another minute or two, we would save a lot of arguments and bickering with our friends and family.

The Torah is an endless piece of Divine Wisdom that was created as a blueprint for this world. In order to gain the most out of this world, one should follow in the Torah’s footsteps. One of the 3 major Mitzvot for a Jew is Shabbat Kodesh.
This Shabbat is also Rosh Chodesh (The first day of the Hebrew Month called MarCheshvan).

Will you waste time by scrolling on Facebook on Shabbat night or will you try to begin a spiritual connection or further enhance a type of connection with Hashem by eating with your family, conversing about the endless wisdom of the Torah/Talmud/Mishnah/Midrash/Tehillim/Mussar/Religious Thought, etc., or praying to Hashem and saying “Thank You for everything You do for me?”

A New month means to Start Fresh.
Judaism=Think. What am I doing in this world?
B’H He will put into our hearts the WILL to Keep Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom & Chodesh Tov!

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