In Tefillah throughout the many Amidot
(Shmoneh Esreh) that we prayed on Yom Tov, we repeated the notion that Sukkot
is Zman Simchatenu, the time of our happiness. Rabbi Pinkus explains that
Sukkot is “Zman Simchatenu” The time of our Happiness, is not something that
one should take lightly. Meaning, one should not just go through Sukkot and
pretend to be all happy without understanding what that Happiness means!
So how can we understand this? Let’s look at a

What is Sukkot all about? During Shavuot, we
say in Tefillah: “Zman Toratenu,” the Time of the Giving of our Torah; but only
in Sukkot we say: “Zman Simchatenu,” The time of our happiness. Why? Because it
is the time where we SEE that after being forced to live a life of the Torah,
only now can we really APPRECIATE and UNDERSTAND that it is the best possible
life for us. Also with the fact that Simchat Torah (Thursday night) is a time
where we finish reading the Entire Torah and begin the Torah Readings again
this Shabbat, we experienced the entire Torah and see how much Hashem loves us
to give us Mitzvot to do and follow.
Being Jewish is a gift. Unfortunately, it
takes a little more than Visine Clear Eye-Drops to see that.
May we always feel the love that Hashem has for us by doing Mitzvot
and following a life of Torah (=a life of true Simcha).
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