the Lyilui Nishmat of Avraham ben Ester & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai
Tzvi ben Sara. Also for SHALOM in Eretz
Hashem we had the zchut to attend a live shiur given by Rav Eli Mansour shlit’a.
With all the enthusiasm at such a late hour, it shows what a real Heart devoted
to the Torah Hakdosha and Hashem needs to be like.
Rav explained that Yom Kippur is like Hashem wrapping us with a clean white
towel after cleaning us thoroughly from our stench of Bad Ma’asim
(actions/sins). But even more so, he explained how our generation is part of a
world order that is being overthrown, its actually the Yetzer Hara’s power.
Baruch Hashem that we all have such strong Emunah (faith), because we can
clearly see that Hashem is controlling the entire world with the constant
changes that are taking place throughout the globe. Whether it be financial,
power oriented, or simply the structure of society; everything is chaning
before our eyes like never before.
whole world is waiting for something. For Mashiach.
Mansour explained it in a beautiful way, he simply said the time of the
Mashiach is actually like musical chairs. We are in the time before the Music
stops and everyone needs to find a chair quickly.
is the ticket to our chair? The reservation in the times of the Mashiach to be ‘set’
and ‘hooked up’ so we are not left behind? Its actually the idea of Tshuva.
is key today! RIGHT NOW!
can all deeply look into ourselves and reach a level so deep and personal and
speak to G-d from that point. We just need to say: Hashem HELP ME want to get
CLOSER to you! Help me understand that I am already so close to you and I am no
different than any Tzadik. All I need to do is simply want to change and do
real Tshuva, because in the end of the day, I am all alone and only I can
decide what to do.
someone does Tshuva, musical chairs does NOT exist, because there is room for
time to be REAL with ourselves and ask ourselves: Why am I in this world?
What is my purpose?
Bruchim HaBa’im (welcome) to
Aseret Yemei Tshuva (10 days of Repentance). Welcome to the NEW YOU!
Yom Kippur is in 5 days.
Are you ready?
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