For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben
Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
Rosh HaShanah is Yom HaDin (Judgment Day). We
need to know that based on Judaism, the entire world stands in front of Hashem,
one by one to be judged.
We all want to pass this judgment with a
promised successful year full of smachot and just overall happiness. EVERYTHING
is written down on Rosh HaShanah and signed as a guarantee on Yom Kippur.
The Yetzer Hara and the Samech Mem (VeHamevin
Yavin) tries to put in our minds imaginations and fantasies that seem so pure
and so right to do, but in fact they are horrible sins that lead someone to
reach the lowest and most dangerous levels of Judaism. This time is given to us
to think and realize what we did and what we need to do in the future.
Taken from

Hashem does not only see the outside and the
actions that one does in public, Hashem sees the deepest parts of our emotions,
hearts, and the tiniest and finest details of each cell in our body. There is anywhere from 10-100 TRILLION Human Cells in a single body.
We are all going to be judged. Without our parents, without our siblings, without our lawyers/accountants/finacial advisors, without our phones or friends.
Everything that happened in the last year. Everything: from the situations where one succeeded till the attendance of someone’s Funeral (Lo Alenu), all of this was signed on last Rosh HaShanah, late September 2010.
Everything that happened in the last year. Everything: from the situations where one succeeded till the attendance of someone’s Funeral (Lo Alenu), all of this was signed on last Rosh HaShanah, late September 2010.
Hashem is our Father and our King. A King
alone can grant one’s desires, but to actually want to do that for everyone in
the kingdom is nearly impossible. A Father also just wants his children to be
happy and obtain what they want, however to reach a level where he says: I can
give you EVERYTHING, is also pretty ridiculous.
BUT a King who is also a Father, can support
the entire Kingdom, there is an endless amount of support behind you! This is lehavdeel Hashem!

Therefore Hashem gives us Chodesh Elul (this
month in the Hebrew calendar). There are many ways Hashem ‘deals’ with us, such
as Father/King/Uncle, etc. Elul is an Acronym of Ani LeDodi VeDodi Li (Aleph,
Lamed, Vav, and Lamed).
In Elul Hashem deals with us like a Father who
is a King and at the same time is like an Uncle. Everyone loves their uncle
because he never gets angry because you are not always doing things to get him
angry when he is with you and he always gives you presents and forgives.
Your uncle is always there for you. Throughout
this month, Chodesh Elul, Hashem takes all of ‘His positive attributes’ (the
only way to understand Hashem a tiny drop is to put it in human terms) and
merges them together to completely forgive us for what we did the entire year
that we should regret.

Everyday when we blow the Shofar (from the
word LeShaper, to improve) is just to make us wake up and push ourselves to be
more efficient and successful in our Avodat Hashem. 613 Mitzvot symbolize 613
Connection cables with Hashem! Hashem misses us, its just a matter of how much
WE WANT to miss Him.
We already saw 15 days fly before our eyes. Have
you done anything yet for Rosh HaShanah?
Kippur is in 25 days.
HaShanah is in 15 days.
has already BEGUN.
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