Please have in mind to learn this CLD for the Ilui
Nishmat of my Savta (Grandmother), Ester
bat Phrecha A’H, who’s Azkara (yortzite) is tonight, Yud Dalt Elul (14
According to the Gemara, there
will be really difficult times before the Mashiach comes (Messianic Period). So
the Gemara (Masechet Sanhedrin) asks: What should one do to be saved from these
difficult times? Rabi Eliezer answered: one should be involved in the learning
of Torah and Gmilut Chassadim (Charity). A type of Gmilut Chassadim is
Hachnassat Orchim (hospitality) and letting one come into your home to eat and
drink and sleep. It says in Mishnayot, that one who does Hachnassat Orchim
receives reward in this world, and the basis of the reward is received in the
world to come (like positive side effects to aspirin, etc.) There is a story
that an Ethipian man one day came to the Shiva of my Savta A’H. He was
hysterically crying and crying. They asked who he was and why he was so
emotional? He just said that my Savta used to call him over everytime he would
pass to have something to eat and drink with a glorious smile. Everyone in the
neighborhood always knew that when you would walk by porch on Rechov Dvorah
(st.), you would be welcomed with a smile and a very large cup of Moroccan tea.
Chodesh Elul is a time of
repentance, a time to easily get close with Hashem, which can be seen from
previous CLDs of the month. In order to get ready for Rosh HaShanah which is
like a judgment in a court system of HASHEM, who sees and hears all we do, we need
to shape up and get ready. Some of these things that my Savta used to do can be
a great tip for things to take upon oneself. Man or Woman, we can all be more
modest in some way, whether its how we dress, what we say (cursing, Lashon
hara, etc.), or even if we smile to people to make them feel good; we can all
change for the better.
My Savta A’H was very consistent in terms of
Avodat Hashem with two certain things: Tzniyut (the way one dresses) and
Hachnassat Orchim (hospitality and doing Chessed overall). Tonight theCLD is
dedicated to her and we will try to connect it to this holy time of Chodesh
Elul (the month of Elul) and the fact that Rosh HaShanah is in 16 days.
Lets begin: Tzniyut.
(Taken from a shiur of Rav Zamir There is a very strong connection between the personality
that composes the mechanics of what makes a person and the outside look of the
person. The body is the exercise tool that literally builds the Neshama (soul),
which is part of Hashem. The more that someone works on their Neshama and their
spiritual strengths, which is dependent on their BODY, the more these people
see spiritual results in their overall Avodat Hashem and there connection with
Hashem. Therefore
in order to begin or advance one’s connection with Hashem, they need to
undertsnad how the system works, even if it against society, the Torah way is
always the most efficient way. My Savta A’H reached an old age that my
mother needed to literally scrub and shower her. My mother told me before she
used to shower her, my Savta would get very upset when my mother used to take
off her Mitpachat (hair covering) to
shower. My Savta A’H said “I don’t want anyone to see.” This just shows the
simple EMUNAH (faith) in Hashem and how strong the older generation believed in
being modestly dressed and respectful to their spouses.
How different is our generation?
Today you don’t need to pay a woman to show herself half naked to the public
(facebook profile pictures), forget covering their hair, everything is at your
Next: Hachnassat Orchim (Hospitality).

Kippur is 26 in days.
HaShanah is 16 in days.
has already BEGUN.
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