What is a Bat Yisrael? What is a
Ben Yisrael? What is a Ben Shel Melech?
These names are common names
given to Am Yisrael. What do they mean? Literally a Bat Yisrael is a daughter
of Israel and a Ben Yisrael is a son of Israel. Ben Shel Melech is a son of a
King. Which King? Hashem Elokenu BaShamayim! We need to understand we are all
the children of Hashem and ACT this way too!
I heard a really funny Rabbi
(more comedy than Torah) one time and he asked why Queen Elizabeth dresses how
she dresses, with the entire poofy dress and set up hair/make-up etc. Why does
she always look royal? Who cares?!
Am Yisrael is made up of
millions of individuals that need to know that they represent Hashem. All
princes represent the kingdom, all princesses represent their fathers and
mothers, even SERVANTS need to look royal! We need to understand that me and
you are sons/daughters of a King. We all need to look sharp and classy. Just like the Queen of England has a dress code, so too Hashem instructed us to apply a dress code for ourselves to show we are a respected people.
This is why it is such a big
deal to look Tzanu’a (modest). When a Bat Yisrael wears clothing that only
covers a tiny piece of skin, she is saying: Look at me, I need attention! She
is also saying: I do not appreciate what Hashem gave me, therefore I think I am worth a lot less that it belongs to everyone to see and fantasize about.
Besides this girl's own problems, this
causes men to fail in Shmirat Enayim. And the answer: ‘Maybe these men should
start trying to work on their Shmirat Enayim (watching one’s eyes from looking
at women)’ is not applicable here because we are all created with a desire that
is very difficult to control. Who are you to make men sin by looking at your body that should belong to your future husband?

B’H if ONE girl takes upon
herself some type of Tzniyut (even the decision to stop wearing sleeveless
shirts) this entire CLD Blog is worth it. I hope we all begin to get ready for
Rosh HaShanah.
Kippur is in 33 days.
HaShanah is in 23 days.
was the last time you did something that shows THANKS to Hashem?
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