Monday, August 29, 2011

CLD #361

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.

40 Days until Yom Kippur.
30 Days until Rosh HaShanah.
2 Days until Selichot.
Are you Ready?

What is so special about Rosh Chodesh Elul anyway?
“Ani LeDodi VeDodi Li” I am for Hashem and Hashem is for me, meaning just like I act with Hashem in my actions throughout the year (ESPECIALLY DURING CHODESH ELUL) Hashem acts with me. This phrase also has an acronym that spells out Elul in Hebrew. The last letters of each word also makes up the value of 40, which is a sign of 40 days to prepare for Yom Kippur, which is the day of the final signatures confirming the verdict given on judgment day (Rosh HaShanah) for the entire world.
Throughout the next 40 days we try to begin doing Cheshbon Nefesh and realizing how we behave, what we need to fix, and most importantly how we can improve. Chodesh Elul is also a time that is given from Shamayim for TSHUVA (repentance). From RIGHT NOW until Yom Kippur we are given a second chance after a second chance to get closer to Hashem and fulfill what we need to do in this world.
So what do we need to do? There is an endless amount of tips and guidelines that one should follow for Rosh Chodesh Elul, but let’s focus on main things:

1.              To set a certain goal for oneself during these 40 days and to ask more of oneself Spiritually. For example, if I don’t say Asher Yatzar after using the restroom, I begin saying it. Trying to come on time to Tefillah (or even 5 minutes before Minyan begins), saying Birkat HaMazon with Kavanah, Teaching someone 2 Halachot everyday, adding a couple more minutes to your Time set for Torah learning, etc.

2.              Before one goes to sleep to think about what he/she did today and try to fix two things for tomorrow. For example, I realized today when I walked out of the subway, I bumped into someone and didn’t say sorry. Or maybe I forgot to call my parents today and they might be worried about me. Or I completely didn’t realize someone was behind me when I closed the door in their face, etc.

3.              SELICHOT and the Avodat Hashem (work on oneself) that one does throughout Elul is the foundation of all success to be ready for Judgment Day on Rosh Hashana, where Hashem looks at everything from sheep to rock to a baby to a chunk of diamond in the African jungle and sets its future. Selichot is a time of connecting to one’s deepest places in the heart and telling Hashem how he/she wants to improve. The learning of Selichot is even more important because one needs to understand what is coming out of their mouths.

The holy books of Torah on Chodesh Elul explain that throughout the year there are so many obstacles that separate one’s heart to open up to Hashem and pray properly. In Elul Hashem grabs these obstacles and puts them on the side to help the person EVEN MORE to come back to the proper mindset of Avodat Hashem and getting closer to Him. Try to understand that Hashem is throwing at us gold all the time and we just fail to pick it up, Elul is gold (even more than gold) and we need to realize that every hour of Elul is strength for the entire year to come.

NOW is the time to do Tshuva, this is it, this is now, this is you.

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