Wednesday, August 24, 2011

CLD #357

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
In Pirkei Avot (3:1) Akavya ben Mahalael says one should think (look) about three things and he should not come to sin: Know where you came from, a slumped (slouched) drop (of semen); Where you are going, a low quality place of dust and worms; And who you will be standing in front of for judgment and verdict, Before The King of all Kings The Holy One Blessed Be He.
Besides the terrifying mussar that one gets just from reading the Mishnah, let’s look deeper into the concept of tippa srucha, or a slouched drop (of semen).
WHERE DID WE ALL COME FROM? Isn’t it absolutely indescribably incredible how we all came form a microscope dot that interacted with an egg inside a female body, that kept on reproducing itself, until you came out of your mother’s womb nine months later?!
Let’s look at it deeper. The single sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell, which means its 2 cells, TWO cells, interacting to have this power to reproduce over and over again. After a while, this reproduction process ‘creates’ an eye, then another one, it creates skin, organs, hair, nerve cells, bones, bone marrow, fingers, muscles, a brain, etc. How is anyone an atheist, I Don’t Know! And I honestly don’t get it.
Baruch Hashem, He gave scientists a lot of segulot in recent history (the last 200 years) to delve deeper into the wisdoms behind this world and we simply see behind everything there is something that keeps on powering and energizing everything to work. Scientists do not have answers for this phenomenon that the cells work together to create an eye, or a heart, or even a fingernail! They simply just say “its nature.” Fine, it is. But who runs this “nature?” This code of law that has an endless and endless amount of wisdom, technology, and overall mind blowing miracles? Take all the computers in the world and bring them together with all the scientists and professors and give them all the money in the world to create A SINGLE HUMAN CELL. They will not be able to do it. So who created us?
The only answer is Hashem BaShamayim.
When was the last time the modern world GAVE YOU an ENTIRE MINUTE without your phone, your laptop, your television, your newspaper filled with junk, your microwave, your girlfriend, etc. TO THINK ABOUT HOW MERCIFUL AND LOVING HASHEM IS?
The more you think, the more difficult it is to run from the Truth that Hashem is the Master of the Universe.
Also a question to theCLD readers: Why is it true that there is so much depression (I know this simply from the gargantuan amount of advertisements for depression pills) in our society if everything is so easy in regards to technology? Everyone should be so happy! For example, what took six hours of work at the nearby pool of water for laundry takes an hour’s time with the microscopic effort of pushing a button. In general: we are all unsatisfied. Why?

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