For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara, Avner ben Zulai & Binyamin ben Blanka.
Here is a story that the Orchot Tzadikkim brings to explain a little about Ga’ava (unhealthy pride) that distances oneself from Hashem: Once there was a King sitting on his thronw and hold and behold, he sees three chairs underneath him, one on each step to his throne. He asks the group: Who gave you permission to sit here one greater than the other (which was seen from their placement on the steps) if it wasn’t me?!
The first one sitting at the highest step underneath the King answered: It is because of my family’s heritage and respect that brought me to the highest step before the King’s throne.
The second one answered: My wisdom placed me here to be the second before the King’s throne.
The third one answered: The lowness of my soul and the modesty of my heart put my underneath them (the first two). The King immediately grabbed the Third one and place him at the highest step, like it says in Mishlei 25:7 the one who puts himself at the lowest point compared to Hashem is the one that Hashem raises.
This is just a simple story about the importance of modesty and pushing ourselves to distance from pride and just plain selfishness. One can work on him/herself to refine this trait by doing Mitzvot because Mitzvot is basically giving yourself to Hashem. Here is a little Chizuk from a Bachur in Yeshivat Shuva Yisrael about doing Mitzvot:

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