For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara, Avner ben Zulai & Binyamin ben Blanka.
Whether small or large, unfortunately we all have done a Chet/Avon/Pesha in our lives. We all tell ourselves how bad we are and how far we are from getting close to Hashem and living the dream-religious life, because in the end of the day EVERYONE wants a religious life! We all have an inborn desire to get closer with G-d and live the “right” path, because everyone wants solitude and a clear form of relaxation.
But what stops us from doing Tshuva and repenting for our sins? The one and only : Yetzer Hara. He bashes us everyday telling us how far we are and how impossible it is to get closer to Hashem. But we need to be knowledgeable about the Yetzer Hara, because he exists for us to OVERCOME him, no matter how difficult it seems. It is known from many places throughout Limud Torah, such as the book Gan Emunah, that we are given certain Nisyonot throughout our life. These Nisyonot are given to us so we can overcome them, whether its going on a diet, stop going clubbing, stop our alcohol habit, or even stop speaking during Shul, EVERY SINGLE Nisayon is given with the knowledge that we have the ability to overcome it.
So what? I don’t care! Where I am at NO ONE can do Tshuva at this point!
Who was Rachav HaZonah? In Yehoshua, it is known of a prositute called Rachav who hid the Meraglim (spies) who came into Yericho (Jericho). Nothing happened between her and the Meraglim; however, she did have the zchut of doing Tshuva (repenting).

It is the power of Hashem that fills the entire world.
We all have the ability NOW to look into ourselves, reach the most deepest and sensitive emotion-filled point in our Hearts and even in our own NESHAMA (soul) and yell to Hashem: HELP ME LOVE YOU AND WANT TO GET CLOSER TO YOU!
Rav Mizrachi from once said in a Shiur: Everyone knows the truth but no one wants it.
Judaism=Think. Take a second to think how privileged we are to be Jewish, which means we have a part of us that is G-d (our Neshama, soul).
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