For the Lyilui Nishmat of Shahin Shmuel ben Hadassa & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara.
What is Tu BeAv and the story behind it?
Tu BeAv is the day that began the intermarriage between the tribes of Israel in the time of Shoftim (a book from Nevi’im). There is a sad story between Am Yisrael where there was no ruler and Shevet (the tribe of) Binyamin attacked a guest in their tribe. They wanted to take him to do immoral acts with him, so the host of the guest (who was also part of Shevet Binyamin), gave the guest’s Pilegesh (midwife) instead. When she came back to the hosts home, she collapsed on his doorstep and died. Just imagine the sick things they did to her. Hashem Yerachem (But what is any different from today’s crazy society that we all try to run away from?). They took her body, cut it up into many pieces, and sent a piece to each Shevet (tribe) of Yisrael.
From this disgusting act, the other Shvatim wanted to take those responsible of this heinous crime and judge them. Binyamin said they judge their own and did not hand over the criminals. A Civil War broke out. 11 Tribes verses 1.
In the first two days Binyamin managed to be the victors, slaughtering tens of thousands of the other Shvatim. The third day the Shvatim pulled a war tactic too good to handle on Binyaim and defeated them. With almost 600 men left alive from Binyamin because they hid, the Shvatim swore not to marry off their daughters to Binyamin, to annihilate the Shevet.
After they realized what they just did, the Shvatim wanted to abolish this swear. Instead of abolishing it, they decided to ‘send out’ their daughters to the fields in all white clothes to dance and sing to be taken by the Binyamin men as husband & wife. It is a day of Romance, Love, and overall Kdusha.
This was on Tu BeAv, 15th of Av, where all the women would borrow the white clothes to intermarry between Am Yisrael and create a reality of Ahavat Chinam (Brotherly Love) and the further reproduction of Am Yisrael.
This is a day of Happiness, and in Masechet Ta’anit it is compared to Yom Kippur! We do not say Tachanun on this day.

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