1,943 YEARS
For the preparation of this horrible day (fast begins at 8pm tonight EST) we will publicize a small story from Chazon Yoshiyahu’s e-mail (Rabbi Pinto’s daily e-mail).
Rav Pinto explains that this story is from the Magid MeDubna. Let’s begin:
There was a young couple that put a lot of their effort to pray, fast, give donations, go to Rabbis, and go to the best Doctors just to help get the wife pregnant. After a certain amount of time Hashem had Rachamim (mercy) on the couple and the pregnancy began.
Throughout the pregnancy, month after month the couple would pray and cry to Hashem to have mercy on them so they can raise a holy child, filled with fear of Hashem and should go in the path of G-d. And so the day of the birth arrives and suddenly the doctors rush to the soon-to-be-father (who has been waiting so long and anticipating to raise a beautiful child with his wife) and tell him horrible news: A huge danger has befallen your child and your wife, we can only save either the wife or the baby.
The husband tells his wife with tears in his eyes, that all her life has been waiting to have the chance to raise such a child. She says that she is willing to give up her life for her son. Thirteen difficult years of being a widower, the poor husband tells his son that he can now saw Kaddish for his mother, who sacrificed her life for his. After waiting so long for his son to say Kaddish on his wife, the son says Kaddish with no passion, no emotion, simply says Kaddish like its his goldfish that just died (lehavdeel). The father was extremely saddened and asked the Bar Mitzvah boy: Son, do you want your mother did so you could be alive here today?!?! The son replies: What do you want from me. You are acting like I knew who my mother was! How do you want me to cry about someone I have NEVER met?!
Rav Pinto continues: Hashem sacrificed His home for our lives, because in reality THE ENTIRE NATION WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ERASED AND SLAUGHTERED, but Hashem had mercy and took our the rage from the sins of the nation onto the Beit HaMikdash. Just like the son on his Bar Mitzvah barely had emotion for his mother, so too, I’m embarrassed to say, is our generation. Untill here.
WE ARE ALL COLD AS ICE! This is really a tragedy. Where is OUR HEART? Where is Am Yisrael’s emotions and passion? (Speaking to myself also): Its in the iPhone apps we suffocate our time with, its in the TV Shows we watch, its in the Facebook Chat Messages we kill our brain cells over, etc. I am not saying we should all become monks, rather we should take 25 HOURS of our YEAR and give it to Hashem to say Thank YOU, and MAYBE FEEL some type of COMPASSION or LOVE for how much He gives us.

Where is your heart? Tisha BeAv 5771. We only have a couple hours to prepare.
Tzom Mo’il (Meanginful Fast).
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