For the Lyilui Nishmat of Shahin Shmuel ben Hadassa & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Yissachar ben Rivka.
Rav Avigdor Neventzhal has a book called Ben HaMetzarim, which means the three weeks between 17 Tammuz and Tisha BeAv. He explains that the foundation of both of the destructions of the Batei Mikdash in Yerushalayim is lack of Emunah, faith in Hashem. This is told to Am Yisrael through a message from the Torah. Where?
When the Meraglim (spies that were sent by Moshe to Israel before Am Yisrael entered the land) came back from Israel , then spoke nastily about Eretz Yisrael, speaking Lashon Hara. Am Yisrael, after the media during the time (just like in Israel today that is 100% against Judaism) spread horrible rumors about the Meraglim’s visit, started crying and weeping for no reason whatsoever. In BaMidbar, this story is explained that the Am (nation) weeped and cried on that night. The Gemara, Masechet Sanhedrin (104b), explains that night was Tisha BeAv, and Hashem decreed that for that cry that they cried that night for “free,” meaning without any reason, caused Hashem to really give Am Yisrael something to cry about for generations (the destruction of both Batei Mikdash)!
In Devarim, which ‘coincidentally’ was the Parasha we read this morning, Hashem brings back the story of the Meraglim before his death, when he rebukes the Nation and explains that Am Yisrael had no Emunah at the time (Devarim 1:32).
This lack of Emunah to believe that Hashem G-d forbid cannot weaken the giants that the Meraglim saw in Eretz Yisrael or the citizens of the big cities at the time before the Am came into Israel caused this cry! This shows that the foundation of these fasts, all the three weeks of mourning, the laundered clothing, the ‘no-music for 3 weeks’, everything is because of the Dor HaMidbar (generation of that time)!

Whatever is Torah is good,
whatever is against Hashem is bad.
whatever is against Hashem is bad.
It all begins now and it’s all up to you.
Tisha BeAv is in 2 nights. Are you ready? SHAVUA TOV.
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