One of the strictest rules of Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh is the fact that no student is allowed to pass through or even step into the Arab Shuk.
The biggest Yetzer Hara is to go through the Arab Shuk. Why? Because of the shortcut that it creates. When leaving the Kotel Plaza, one can either walk up 40 steps to the Jewish Quarter or simply cut through the Arab Shuk, which saves time and takes much less steps to get to the Jewish Quarter.
The same goes for living in this world. We all know that the one who works is the one who gets rewarded, even if its not financially, at least its emotionally. As Chazal say, the one who works on Erev Shabat (Friday) is the one who has the zchut to eat on Shabat Kodesh. This is also a metaphor for Olam Haze and Olam Haba (this world and the next). When someone really puts in effort, because we all know attempting to live a life of the Torah takes a lot of effort and sacrifice, he will reach the reward for living a life of Torah and Dvekut B’Hashem.
Sometimes, it is better to take the long cut and really work into something than taking the shortcut and simply running through a project.
Rabbanim teach Am Yisrael that in order to really reach a level of Kdusha, especially in the act of Limud Torah, one needs to put in work. This time, when learning Torah one is not there to fool a teacher or professor, rather he can only try (but obviously will not succeed) to fool The Creator, Hashem Elokenu.

B’H we should all realize living a life of the long cut is sometimes the better choice, not only with the decisions of the Torah, but with every tiny detail in life (which in reality is the decisions of a life of Torah).
Due to the difficulty in time management in Israel theCLD has had issues posting lately. B’H posting will get back to normal from now on.
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