The only way one reaches the zchut (laugh out loud) of the Holy Olympics (sarcasm) is if one literally works for it their ENTIRE lives. Only then can one really be called a true Professional. About ONE BILLION people run to their TVs during the Olympics to see which athlete can run the fastest, swim the fastest, lift the heaviest weights, etc.
Just imagine a single athlete losing one month of their life long training period for the Holy Olympics. Or even a short year to dwell on a loved one’s passing or focus on raising a family. How dare they!?!?! The money from advertisements after a single Gold Medal from the Olympics is worth risking their lives.
This is the sadness of what it means to be a Goy. A Goy strives to reach the highest position in everything he/she does and by that he/she really reaches lowest of lows of what it means to be Human in this world.
Hashem gave the Torah to teach us how to take most advantage of this world. Whether it would be by striving to complete the difficult task of Ve’Ahavta LeRe’echa Kamocha or just by working on ones midot (characteristics), we always have to strive to do what Hashem tells us to. If you believe Hashem created the world then obviously He knows what is good for you and obviously the gift He gave us, the Torah HaKdosha, is the best manual for life.
Many people say the Torah is such a difficult way of life (besides the fact that it forces one to constantly be active, which is the opposite of what the Human body wants to do: be lazy) because it’s a constant wake up call to change, to challenge your body’s desires, and just overall lack of “fun.”
Am Yisrael needs to understand that we are brought into this world for a reason, it’s a temporary hallway to give us the ability to choose whether we want eternal good or not for the world to come BH. In order to reach the perfection and completion of this task, we need to practice living a life of the Torah, BECAUSE THAT IS THE ONLY WAY WE WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS WE NEED TO DO!

“…Ki Hi Mekor HaBeracha.” Because it is the foundation of all Blessing. What is? Shabat Kodesh!
It begins with Shabat>Tomorrow night before Sunset BH, which is a full 25 hours to testify that G-d created the world.
Want tomorrow's CLD BH to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor the next CLD today with $18 that goes to the CLD Fundraising Project Account that involves Chessed and Handing out Inspirational Books! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and once the money goes through BH e-mail us with the information to have theCLD written for the l’yilui nishmat or refua of your loved one!
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