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Beautiful Picture of how the Sanhedrin looked like in the times of the Gemara. |
In Masechet Sanhedrin in Mishnayot that discusses death penalty court cases, there is an entire Mishnah alone that explains the feeling of the Shchina (divine presence) when someone is stoned to death (as a punishment for certain sins, usually related to sexual relations). “Rabbi Meir says that in the hour that a Rasha (a wicked person) is stoned to death the Shchina wails about the pain and suffering that the wicked person’s death causes (even if he/she is guilty and is a Rasha)! Then the Mishnah continues: If it is true that the Makon (which is a term for Heaven) is in pain regarding the death of a Rasha, so too how much more is the Makon in pain and Tza’ar that a Tzadik’s blood is spilled…”
This teaches us that a Neshama is so valuable that even if the Rasha abused his rights of living and has Chas VeChalilah killed someone or did something against the Torah HaKdosha, Shamayim still has Rachamim on him (mercy) and still is upset regarding his death!

The Yetzer Hara is strong in the world at this time and it is telling us that we are all wicked, and everytime Chas VeChalilah someone does a Chet/Avera/Pesha (sins), it tells us that Hashem hates us and does not want us to get close to Him! This is all a HUGE LIE! There are those who believe that (ONLY AFTER) one falls in spiritual terms, it means there is a large will from Shamayim for that person to rise in spirituality and get closer to Hashem.
Its time to use your downfall to your spiritual advantage and own the Yetzer Hara.
B’H we will all have the zchut to choose the Yetzer HaTov and overcome the Yetzer Hara, and then all the good will happen in this world for us.
When you are really with Hashem, you are in a world of ONLY good.
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