We love to place everything and everyone around our lives. Being the center of attention is a contagious disease these days, because it is very easy to lose the attitude of VeAhavta LeRe’echa Kamocha and be caring/considerate of others. What can we do to heal this disease (Hashem Yerachem)?
Just look up. What do you mean ‘look up?’ LOOK AT THE SKY! LOOK HOW SMALL WE ARE! When someone realizes how dependent he/she is on Hashem, in reality that’s where the real Chozer B’Tshuva attitude kicks in!
We all know that in fact the Earth revolves around the Sun 365 days every year. But do we know what the universe revolves around? Do we even know if the universe moves?
When we really think about our arrogance and stubbornness, we need to understand we are all SO TINY! Hashem is in control, no matter what we do, think, feel, or even if we do not want to believe. In the end of the day Hashem is the one deciding where to transport you in this world, and you are there JUST TO CHOOSE between the Good (life of Torah, Mitzvot, Ma’asim Tovim, etc.) and the not good.
When you think about it, are you really Jewish? Do you really believe that Hashem controls and if the Torah decides the way something should be done, do I do it? OR do I really believe I am the one who thinks what is 'good' and 'not good' for me?

From Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh: Layla Tov :D.
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