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Shlomo HaMelech and his Throne! |
Shlomo Hamelech says in Shir Hashirim, “shechora ani ve nava” (I am black, but comely: definition=attractive).
How could such a Pasuk make any sense? The answer is given 2 Psukim later, where it says “Al tiruni she ani shecharchoret, she shazaftani hashemesh” (Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me), This Pasuk, is the answer to all our problems in galut.
G-d chose the Jewish nation and by that separated us from the rest of the nations, the reason He did that was not for us to take the Torah (the manual of the world) and keep it to ourselves but to be a light onto the nations and teach them the word of G-d.
What does that have to do with the two psukim mentioned above?, We the Jews, are counting the Months and Years according to the Moon while the rest of the world counts according to the Sun. the Second Pasuk clearly says “Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me” Meaning, the sun, which represents the Nations of the world, which have been influencing and persecuting the Jewish nation and therefore we had turned Black (dirty and impure).
Every day, the moment we step out of our houses we are being bombarded with the life style of the Goyim. Whether it’s minimal clothing, sexuality, politics, etc.. and that can cause us to assimilate and become like them, however, we have something much stronger than this: we have the Torah.
Hashem loves us so much that after everything we had done, and all the times that we had doubted him, he says “em lo tedi lach, hayafa banashim”(if you don’t know, you are the most beautiful woman), When Rabbi Akiva read this Pasuk he started crying, they asked him why is he crying and he answered, “No matter how many times we had tried Hashem, and how many times had we gone off the way, he still loves us more than anything!”.
Even though we are deep in exile and unfortunately we think that we are dependent on the goim, Hashem tells us NO, all we need is Emuna, trust in Hashem.
“Et tzara hi leyaakov” (time of crisis is to Jacob) – The nations of the world have no interest in us or the state of Israel, We are trying to defend ourselves yet being accused for attacking innocent people. No one is fighting terror today; it’s all a cliché and a war of interests and politics. So who else do we have to turn to if not The creator of the world, our Father, Hashem!
History doesn’t Lie, when we turned to Him and asked Him for help He was always there for us and now it’s time to finally ask Him for redemption!
B”H I want to wish all of you who took time to read this, and also those who did not, and all AM Israel, Hatzlacha and Osher, Ve B”H Od Hashana beyerushalaim habnuya!!!
Guest Writer: Ohav
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