B'H a million times, tonight we had the zchut to listen to an unbelievable Shiur by Rav Shlomo Pinto shlit'a at Shuva Yisrael Yeshiva (122 E58th St > 4,5,6 to 59th st. NY, NY)!
It was all about the Kabbalistic "simple" outlook on Lag BaOmer (the 33rd day of the Omer). It was amazing.
First of all, we have to understand that Lag BaOmer is a Holy day by itself, without all the details of what makes it even more important.
A couple of things about Lag BaOmer to get us pumped for THIS Motzei Shabat's Hilula (Yortzite) of Rashbi HaKadosh (Rav Shimon Bar Yochai):
In Kabbalistic terms, Rashbi and Moshe Rabenu are equal. I will not get into detail because it is too deep to understand, even though it is really simple Kabbalah that everyone should know (regarding 10 Sefirot and how Moshe is the Sefira of Netzatch and due to Chet HaEgel the Torah was given in the Sefira of Hod, which is the same level of Rashbi).
According to the Me'iri, a Parshan of the Gemara from Masechet Yebamot, he explains that Lag BaOmer is equivalent to a Yom Tov! How come? Because Rabi Akiva's 24,000 students stopped dying from the plague caused by not respecting each other (which is actually not at all what "not respecting" means today).
Another reason is because Rabi Akiva began to continue the passage of the Limud Torah to The Five students who continued the Mesoret of the Torah to what it is today: Rabi Yehuda Bar Ilai, Rabi Meir, Rabi Nehemiah, Rabi Yoseh Ben Halafta, and Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai.
Another fact about Lag BaOmer is the concept that Rashbi himself passed away on this date and he told the generations after to purposely make this day a day of Simcha. On this day we push ourselves to celebrate in his Kdusha that he brought to the world, which is the Zohar, because this was his will.
Another incredible thing about Rashbi is the fact that Rashbi himself chose his death! How does that make sense? In our Parasha BH we will read on Shabat Kodesh, it says "Im BeChukotai Telechu." How does Chazal interpret this? If in My Chukot [laws] you follow/live/go by, you will go. Huh? If you are Tzaddikim by following my Mitzvot and Torah, you will actually be the ones to decide FOR YOURSELVES when will you go from this world to the next! Bugout.

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