The Subway is interesting. From the beggars to the business men and women. But something amazing about the subway is the efficiency (or lack there of) of the trains, the entire underground system, and the multitude of the subway lines and train cars. When someone looks deeper into the entire subway system, he/she sees the complexity of the handle and care of the train dispatchers. Besides the fact that we can learn chizuk from the underground world that exists under our feet when we walk in the city (because so too there is a spiritual world right above our noses that from the lack of spirituality we fail to view), we can learn something else from the Subway to help us become stronger believing Yehudim.

When we help eachother to get stronger and closer to Avinu Ba'Shamayim, the only result is Success, spiritually, physically, financially, psychologically, and emotionally!
Just like the Subway under our noses has to have all the train cars and subway lines to work together to succeed in transporting the customers to their destinations, so too Am Yisrael needs to help each other to reach our destination >>>Spiritual Perfection!

B'H we will all continue to learn from this world about the next world to come and see that spiritual perfection and closeness to Hashem is just a simple drop of extra effort away.
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