One never knows how much influence he/she can have. We all know that BH whenever one does even the smallest action, it could lead to huge results. In Israel today there are riots throughout the country. In Tel Aviv in the morning, an Arabic man crushed his truck into many vehicles and people, killing one and injuring at least 17 (Hashem Yerachem). In the Northern Border, Syrians illegally crossed the border to riot and chant their message that they will come back into the land. In Gaza there are many Palestinians (imach shmam) rioting in favor of Israel's defeat.
We need to understand that besides the evil that lurks IN OUR OWN COUNTRY, there are millions around the globe whoa re anti-Semitic and would do anything to kill (Chas VeChalilah).
Without the Achdut that should wreak throughout Am Yisrael around the world, we are nothing. Am Echad BeLev Echad.
We are one Nation, one Heart. We need to start believing that besides the needed physical unity, also there is an immediate need for spiritual unity. WE HAVE TO start thinking in a way where we tell ourselves: Whatever act i am about to do affects all of Am Yisrael, because we are really a huge Neshama, the Neshama of Adam HaRishon.
The phrase Tikkun Olam means that we are here to "fix" the world, to Purify the Chet of Adam HaRishon. Without the unification process throughout all the Yehudim in the world, between white and black, relgious and chiloni, Asheknazi and Spharadi, Temani and Chalabi, Mashadi and Tehrani, Mitzri and Suri, etc etc., we will never succeed. We are all the Banim of The Melech, Hashem and we all need to look at eachother as brothers and sisters. The only way we will reach spiritual perfection, which automatically leads to every other perfection, is from pushing eachother!
B'H we will all have the zchut (because it is a lot easier said than done) to really FEEL the LOVE we all need to have for eachother. To help eachother grow, to help eachother learn, to help eachother LOVE! We need to learn from the Ants, who simply do not steal and do not EVER stop to work.
SHAVUA TOV. Today is the 26th day of the Omer, which is 3 weeks and 5 days.
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