The Power of Tzitzit is like a Typhoon of good on a Jew's psyche. How? Obviously literally its a Mitzvah Booster. From looking at the Tzitzit we see the fact that we are commanded to look different, as well as act different than other Nations of the world. We are forced to stop acting in a negative way because we have a holy garment on our skin, we are forced to stop cursing, stop judging, because we are simply here to do what G-d says to do. It is as simple as that. We do not need to try to look for the rewards, look for the ways we reach higher spiritually, rather just to do what G-d tells us to do. And it might seem like a very easy level to get to, however, when one starts delving into the reasoning why one does something, he/she sees its very far away from the simple "Because G-d told me so."
However, sometimes we need to be motivated to do Mitzvot by seeing the natural rewards that come with it (which is in fact the positive "side affects" of the Mitzvah). In Rav Yoshiyahu Pinto's book, he explains that the Kaf HaChaim says accoridng to the Zohar HaKadosh, one who wears Tzitzit has a Segula to be protected from Negative Angels who are instructed to destroy. Also according to the book "Dvash LePhi," Tzitzit protects from Ayin HaRa (the Evil Eye).
ALSO in Masechet Shabat (32b): Resh Lakish explains that each Yehudi Kadosh that wears Tzitzit is promised 2800 Goyim workers at his service in the days to come (Mashiach times).

B'H we will all have the zchut to realize that we are different than the Goyim and its OBVIOUS that we all need to wear Tzitzit from love, not from fear. It is a zchut to be Jewish.
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