B'H Due to disastrous Internet Connection at Home I am Blogging from Barnes & Noble (while listening to their suicidal music, G-d help me! Kapara La Avonot for sure!):
To celebrate reaching 260 CLDs, today's CLD will be about food because all Jews love food :D.
Schnitzel and French Fries (besides being delicious) have one similarity: They are engrossed in oil to the point of no turning back. I love Schnitzel and I love French Fries.
This morning at Shuva Yisrael Yeshiva (their website - CLICK HERE) the Bachurim and I made our own breakfast. It was delicious. It was omelletes with french fries. So for the first time in my life (I'm pretty sure) B'H I had the zchut to transform a vegetable that came from the ground to actual food that gets consumed.
How are French Fries made? (Repetition but its always good to repeat) By being completely devoured by oil, to ensure taste and health (just kidding).
How are Schnitzelim made? Also by being fried in oil.
In the middle of the pretend-to-be-a-chef simulation by me, I was asking one of the Bachurim what Chizuk we could learn from this.
He said something so simple that is repeated on theCLD, but I didn't know how to form it into words.

We need to understand that just like the french fries and chicken and whatever else that is fried needs the constant oil to be completed into a dish, so too the Yehudi that has a Neshama that craves Kdusha.

The Torah is Real.
The Torah is from Shamayim.
The Torah will never change.
Will you change?
Shabat Shalom U'Mevorach :D!
Always Smile.
Heads Up: B'H Shabat Yeshiva Next Week in BK, I want you to be there(Free Shabat Just For You - Click Here)!
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