Today in Baruch in a conversation with a friend we were speaking about the concept of "LePhum Tzara Agra." This phrase is famous. It explains that based on the Tza'ar, the suffering/pain, comes the Schar, reward. This person was telling me how he told himself before Purim that no matter what happens he will fast on Ta'anit Ester. Ta'anit Ester fell out on st. patrick's day. All his friends from colleges around the US came home and all they did was get intoxicated and joke around using substances to consume, which would mean they would break the fast. This Jew I spoke with went against nature and fasted. I explained to him the concept of LePhum Tza'ara Agra. He said back to me that it is exactly like lifting weights. When someone lift weights, the more suffering and pain he/she goes through, the bigger of a workout results and the more toning that person does on his/her muscles. The same goes for the Torah, mitzvot, and doing mesiroot nefesh when it comes to being Ivdei Hashem. When someone really wants to accomplish something Ruchani related, the only way he/she can reach that goal is through sacrificing something and really pushing the world aside in order to succeed spiritually.
B'H May we lift spiritual weights everyday and reach our neshamot's maximum potentials!
This obviously works with our Parashat HaShavua, Kedoshim, because the Parasha speaks about sexual immorality which is most likely the toughest mitzvah to deal with in our generation. In order to beat this type of Yetzer Hara we need to put our entire effort.
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