9:57 PM
SHAVUA TOV! I Hope you all enjoyed your Chag and really got a lot of Chizuk from everyone being together, asking questions, and most importantly: getting closer to Avinu BaShamayim!
Unfortunately, I only thought of this on Shvi'i Shel Pesach (2 days ago) before Yom Tov began, so I can only put it on the blog now. To have a sort of recap of Chag Pesach, we will look at the word Haggada in hebrew, which consists of 4 letters: Hey, Gimel, Dalet, and Hey.
Rav Darmoni from Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh told us in the past that the world is symbolized by the letter Hey. How does the Hey look like? It has a small opening on the upper left side and a huge opening on the bottom. How does this represent our world?
In order for us to really reach a height of spirituality and get to Olam Haba (which is the reason we are here in the first place), we have to work really hard to do the mitzvot from the Torah properly in order to have the zchut (privelage) to get their, which is seen by the tiny opening on the top left of the letter Hey. However, in order to do whatever we want and fail at our task in this world to follow the Torah and Mitzvot, it is very easy and a huge bottom whole is there for us, as seen in the bottom of the letter Hey. In the word Haggada, we have 2 Hey's and a Gimel and Dalet in the middle. If you have read a previous CLD (CLICK HERE for CLD #148) you see that the letters of Gimel and Dalet have their own mashmaut (intelectual depth to them) and its not just random the way of the way they are written. These letters represent the idea in this world to run after the poor to help them out and give charity and do gmilut chassadim. However, from the word Haggada we see alone that even though the center, the base, the yesod, the foundation fo this world is to do chessed by the placement of the gimel and dalet in the middle of the word Haggada, in the beginning and end the main point is to do what the letter Hey represents.
In Gematriya 2 Hey's is 10, which is the number for minyan, completion, perfection. In order for us to reach this idea of the letter Hey and work for Olam Haba and reach a state of perfection, we do not only need "our own Hey," rather we need 2 Hey's. We need to help each other out to reach a state of perfection, where Mashiach will come and we will become real Ivdei Hashem.
B'H we will continue to take the ruchaniut from Pesach and use it for the rest of our lives forever. I hope you all are just growing higher and higher in spirituality and never falling!
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