4:13 PM
Taxis, especially in New York have the MOST ANNOYING drivers. Period. Even Israeli drivers, may all the Jewish ones be well, are better than the New Yorkers (lehavdeel). They do whatever they can to make the meter jump more and more (causing a higher charge at the end of the ride). Even in a taxi we can get chizuk :D. Lets look deeper: As we all know, or at least I hope we do, each one of us assumes his/her life is worth billions of euros (more valuable than dollars), even if in the case of shabat vs. saving a life we choose saving a life (as it says in the Parasha BH we will read tomorrow: Parashat Acharei Mot). If our lives are worth so much than we know that every minute is probably worth around $300, $400. Now what do we do with our time and what does it have to do with the meter in taxi?
As we know from previous CLDs we need to form for ourselves permanent Jewish glasses, always looking at life through glasses where we can learn how to greaten our Emuna in Hashem. Just like a meter jumps and $0.40 is taken from you every (about) 25 seconds, so too $300, $400 worth of life is taken from us every minute. So what do we do with our time? Since this is the most valuable gift, given by Hashem, we need to do something to "pay" Him back. Hashem tells us to "VeHagita Bo Yomam Valayla," and you shall delve into it (the Torah) day and night. In essence, by learning Torah we "pay" Hashem back, but in reality by living the Torah we are the ones getting paid. It is discussed through many great Jewish inspirational books that living the Torah makes one enjoy the most out of this world and the next.
What do you do with your time?
Please don't forget to sell your chametz! Sunday Night bH is Bdikat Chametz, Monday Morning is Biur Chametz (with the last time to eat chametz at 10:15am)! Monday Night is the Lel HaSeder, where Hashem sends His army to hear us praise Him at our tables!
May You all have a Chag Sameach ve Kasher and a Shabat HaGadol Umevorach!
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