The Yetzer Hara, Sitra Achara, Tumah, wrong doing spiritual force, bad angels, whatever you want to call it > its at its last push. If you really open your eyes you can really see people everywhere (including me) going through tough times spiritually. The strength of the Shaarei Tumah is at its peak. All 50 gates of Tumah are opened to unleash all the bad force into the world to make Jews worldwide (G-d forbid) give up on religion. Why? Because its almost over. As big Rabbis are saying: "Its Erev Shabat." Erev Shabat = Friday. Shabat resembles redemption, mashiach, 7, savior, Yeshu'ah, etc. We are in the final days/weeks/months/years before the Geula.
The hardest it is to see it from the naked eye, the more realistic it is. Hashem loves all of us and we all need to fight back.
Just like in Yetziyat Mitzrayim, Am Yisrael were all inside the water of the Red Sea mamash "ad le po" as hebrew slang describes: "up to here." Am Yisrael went into the water up to the final point before drowning and yelled into Shamayim for G-d to hear them. Only at that moment did Hashem open the Yam and split the sea.
The moment we really call to G-d in tears and in full emotion and with all our hearts and with all truth will be the moment of redemption for us.

I hope b'H we can all fall asleep every night telling ourselves we really took advantage of the day.
Bracha VeHatzlacha in all you do.
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