Its very easy to become narrow-minded.
In our society, we are trained to think how will something benefit ME? How will I be able to get ahead from this action? How will I be able to become from successful through what I am doing now? Its very difficult to think outside our rooms, or apartments, or cars, and think to ourselves what a huge world surrounds us. Ferocious animals in jungles that have the most beautiful plants and flowers beyond our imaginations, predators and prey that have skin that we use for our jackets or rugs in our homes, types of mushrooms that grow from lightning, the process of a chicken forming the crust around the yoke of its egg, the way a kangaroo brings a baby kangaroo into this world through a pouch > isn't this all amazing?

We always need to work on ourselves and know if G-d is the one running the show, then obviously He knows what He is doing by giving me the Torah HaKdosha to follow as my guideline FOR EVERYTHING> and not only what I feel is right.
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Doesn't this picture just chill you out? |
SHAVUA TOV :D, through happiness we reach Kdusha and clarity, so put a smile on :D!
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