Megillat Ester 1:20 "And the King's decree which he shall proclaim will be heard throughout his kingdom, for it is indeed significant, and all the women will respect their husbands, nobleman and commoner alike."

If only we would listen to our King, Hashem, "all the women will respect their husbands, nobleman and commoner alike." What do I mean? In general, if we follow the Torah, or even at least ATTEMPT TO FOLLOW [B'H we'll have the zchut to want to follow the mitzvot and Torah of Hashem forever], all our troubles will dissapear. There will be no earthquakes, no droughts, no murder, no unemployment, no cheating, no stealing, no natural disasters, no harm, no danger, no hate, no discrimination. There will only be the constant urge to get closer to Hashem, to reach ultimate happiness by doing what Hashem wants us to do [how does that make sense? In a normal family the son always wants to impress the father, proof from the Goyim's movies; LEHAVDEEL it is the same thing for Am Yisrael and Hashem>We always need to want to make Hashem say "that is exactly what I want them to do!"].
SHAVUA TOV :D. Happiness is the gatweway to Kdusha, so
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