Because we want to really feel the upcoming Chag, Purim, we try to learn about it as much as we can to real feel the spiritual force that comes into the world from the ruchaniyut of the Chag itself.
The next pasuk in theCLD's Purim series is Perek Aleph, Pasuk Yud Bet: "But Queen Vashti refused to appear by the king's order brought by the chamberlains, and the king grew furious and his wrath seethed within him."(chabad.org). We can learn at least 70 things from what seems to be the "simplest" thing in the Torah because of the concept 70 Panim LaTorah. We see here that Achashverosh becomes angry with (the Hebrew word from the pasuk:) "Chemah," which means anger in the heart. Achashverosh, being an intelligent Rasha-filled leader, held all the anger in his heart away from his guests. At the same time, we learn that Goyim only rely on themsleves. Like it says in tehillim (paraphrased:) "do not rely (have bitachon) in a human being, because he will not provide redemption," we learn that man can only rely on G-d: Hashem and Am Yisrael are symbolized through man and wife leaning on eachother! Achashverosh felt liek there was no din and no Dayan, no judgement and no judge (Hashem). We see the huge difference between a goy and a yehudi. Al yehudim, no matter how far away from the Emet they are, all have in their inner inate depths of their hearts a spot where there will always be the huge connection with Hashem relying on redemption from shamayim in all situations!
Usually, in the worst of times, we get smacked in the face by reality when Yetzer Hara puts in our hearts a crazy desire to go after our body's needs. B'H we have the zchut and opportunity to look up into shamayim with a sefer tehillim, and say "Hashem please control the Yetzer Hara so we don't fall into sin and become depressed automatically" (because once we sin, we quickly become upset and there's nothing that can stop the emptiness from taking over). The Yetzer Hara pushes the hardest when he knows WE ARE SUCCEEDING. The Yetzer Hara knows how much potential we have, and will do everything just to test us. We need to know that at these times we are put in this situation because Hashem knows we can overcome them.
There are 3 steps in stopping the Yetzer Hara: 1. Limud Torah (causes angels to fight off the Yetzer Hara). 2. Kriyat Shma and 3. Remembering Yom HaDin (death, judgment day, reward v. punishment in Olam Haba).
B'H we will all have the zchut to overcome our own personal Yitzrot Hara with ease and help from shamayim to reach our spiritual potentials and simply gain total control over ourselves and our actions (which can only be acquired from Limud Torah).
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