Sunday, February 27, 2011

CLD #195

From my Chavruta Eliyahu from Yeshivat Shuva Yisrael (NYC, NY):
In Megillat Ester Perek Aleph pasuk Gimel, Achashverosh invites all the neighboring countries' leaders to his kingdom, as it says in the pasuk, "In the third year of his reign, he made a feast for all his ministers and servants; the army of Persia and Media, the nobles and all the ministers of the provinces in his service. (" So Eliyahu brings an amazing chiddush regarding this pasuk. Eliyahu told me: look at the pasuk, look how smart Achashverosh HaRasha was. He literally placed his own ministers and servants, maids, butlers, and the lowest of the low in his kingdom before the army of Persia and the highest nobles and ministers of his provinces. In all his glory he was a true nasty ruler. With this information, we see Achashverosh was truly a king; all he cared about was his own power! He simply said my lowest of the low servants and people that wash my floor are higher in stature than the nobles and the highest of the provinces and even army! Whoever is close to me is high in status. What can we learn from this? Eliyahu brings a beautiful Chizuk: We see from this that Hashem says the lowest of the low are the closest ones to me. Even in your (the people of this world's) eyes what seems lowest of the low, a.k.a. financially dependent on other people, BUT ARE CLOSE TO ME, those are the true Ivdei Hashem who go out of their way to purify this world. Today's Talmidei Chachamim eat carbs all day because that is the cheapest food that fills them up, I have seen with my own eyes families of 9 and 10 who do not have money to eat and are the happiest people, because they simply are the closest ones to Hashem. Putting the fact that they literally do mesiroot nefesh by living a financially poor life and learn Torah all day and deserve the respect of college professors that we deem intelligent, they are the ones that truly fix themselves everyday and try to become better humans. We need to strive to do what HASHEM TELLS US to do, not what the economists or experienced business leaders or teachers or intelligent lawyers tell us to do!

B'H we will all have the zchut to live a life of Torah and support the ones who want to get closer to Hashem, even though they might look like the lowest of the low.

Let's all strive to reach our maximum potentials and stay happy, Cuz Hashem loves all of us :D.

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