The Midrash on Purim continued: Not only does man have a meaning and purpose in this world, BUT also every tiny detail and element! And not only a plant that pleasure for man (ex. Mango tree or aloe vera plant) but even a thorn! So in the end the thorn was chosen as the type of tree to be used to hang Haman HaRasha and the thorn's purpose was fulfilled. So if we see that a thorn, that is so insignificant in our huge and complex world EVEN MORE SO IS THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, PURPOSE AND MEANING FOR MAN! Man was created in G-d's image. The human being was not brought to act freely, to live without a purpose and be brought from the Olam HaNitzchi, but rather to do one single thing and one thing only: TO take upon ourselves Torah, Mitzvot, and Ma'asim Tovim.
The miracle of Purim was not a publicized Nes (miracle), but a hidden Nes, as it says in Masechet Chulin (Talmud): Ester (meaning the miracle of Ester), from the Torah, How [meaning how was the Nes laid out]? We learn from the pasuk "VeAnochi Hester Astir" that the redemption and nes was carried out in a hidden manner, and so hidden that Hashem's name is not mentioned even once (in the megillah)! In Masechet Shabat, we learn that only after the days of Achashverosh and Purim did Am Yisrael accept the Torah willingly (compared to Har Sinai where they were forced to accept it). Rashi explains that the Yehudim accepted the Torah willingly only because of the miracle that Hashem did for them. A question arises: Why didn't the Yehudim accept the Torah willingly at Har Sinai after Kriyat Yam Suf or Yetziyat Mitzrayim in general, which were miracles much larger and more publicized than the Nes of Purim!?!? And the answer is given by the Gaon Betzalel Zolti (over 1000 years ago): The miracle of Purim is larger than the nissim of Yetziyat Mitzrayim! Why? Bnei Yisrael reached a point where they understood that EVERYTHING is a miracle and they saw Hashem's finger literally in control at all times. This is the difference of Yetziyat Mitzrayim/other publicized Nisim and Purim/other hidden Nissim. The Nissim Glooyim (publicized, ex. Mitzrayim) are not felt everyday and every second and they are events that occur once to influence forever, but the Nes of Purim involves situations that occur daily. Therefore, in the days of Mashiach (Bemhera BeYamenu Amen) even though, according to the Rambam, the Nes of Yetziyat Mitzrayim will not be reminded because the Nissim in the days of Mashiach will be greater. However, the nes of Purim will still stay in the History books. Why? Because Purim is all about seeing that EVERYTHING that happens is a huge miracle and this concept will continue to be discussed and taught.
This marks the end of the Introduction to Purim. Now that we got the background, we can continue with the details, stories, and commentary of the actual story of Purim for upcoming CLDs.
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