7:29 PM
In all rainforests there are millions of tons of water from shamayim showering on the greenest of plants, trees and flowers <If only it would be the same situation in Eretz HaKodesh>. The water, the symbol of life, the symbol of achdut, the symbol of kdusha, supports these rainforests throughout the world. Obviously if we can learn from the simplest thing in the world something for ourselves in regards to our beautiful Da'at, then we can learn something from these forests. These plants need tons of gallons of H2O to continue existing, so to the Jew. As we all know, water is used as a symbol of our Torah HaKdosha. Just like a plant needs at least a single drop of water to exist, so to us as the children of Hashem need the water to exist or aka: the Torah. We should all at least spend 5 minutes of our day EVERYDAY B'H to connect with Hashem. Torah Learning is equal to millions of mitzvot. Let's grab some spiritual diamonds and check out some of the Torah Websites on the blog to connect with our Father in Shamayim.
Cool Fact about Water=Just like Water is adhesive and each molecule bonds together, the Torah HaKdosha connects all Jews together.
B'H Let's promote Achdut, bring Mashiach, and Learn Torah.
Bracha V'Hatzlacha in all your endeavors :D.
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