Tonight marks the Sixth night of the Third week of Sefirat Ha’Omer, in other words tonight is called Yesod Shehba Tiferet. Every week and every day of the Omer mark a different way that Hashem rules the world. There are seven main ways: Hessed, Gevura, Tiferet, Netzakh, Hod, Yesof, Malchut. Since we are approaching the end of the third week, the week of Tiferet (which means completion/shelemut), we conclude with the day of Yesod (which means the base/foundation).
The book Usfartem
Lachem by Rav Daniel Phrish speaks about everyday of the Omer and what job
between man and G-d and between man and man each individual should focus on for
that specific day. For today’s mission, Rav Phrish explains that the base, the
Yesod of the Tiferet (the completion, wholeness, totality) of man is based on
how they perform Mitzvot.
He explains that Moshe Rabbenu did put effort into every
Mitzvah, but the truth behind who Moshe Rabbenu is lies in a single Mitzvah
that he did. Meaning the foundation fo completion in one’s Service of Hashem
relies in the total effort they put into Mitzvot, but at the same time the
intensity behind pushing to complete A SINGLE MITZVAH in its entirety.
For example, many people learn Torah, give Tzedakah, do
Hachnassat Orkhim, Hessed in general, lift other’s spirit, etc. but each person
has in them a drive that sets the tone for a single Mitzvah that they want to
accomplish all the time. The Yesod of Tiferet, which marks today’s job of the
Omer (the 20th day) is to focus on ONE mitzvah (when at the same
time accomplishing all the Mitzvot). Be’ezrat Hashem may we work on our own
foundational Mitzvah to perfect ourselves one day at a time and get close to
Shavua Tov!
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