Friday, March 01, 2013

CLD #831

What is the power of the Parah Adumah [Red Cow Law]? This Shabbat is called Shabbat Parah, the Shabbat of the Cow. The cow that this Shabbat is named after is the special red cow [there were nine in the history of the world that were used] in the time of the Bet HaMikdash. This Red Cow, Parah Adumah, would be slaughtered with the utmost caution (to make sure the Kosher slaughtering is as stringent as possible because the smallest mistake could lead it to be a non-Kosher slaughtering which makes it forbidden to use). After slaughtering it, the Kohanim (priests) in the Bet HaMikdash would burn it.

 The ashes of the Parah Adumah is a key component in the purity process; however, there is something weird with this red cow. The red cow ashes purify the people that are being sprinkled. What is the hidden meaning behind this red cow? If one learns about the elements in the world, especially the natural ones; they will come to the conclusion that pure gold has a red color and is not really the gold color we see in jewelry stores. Red and gold in general symbolize ga’ava (self-pride), which is extremely and intensely the worst characteristic trait a person can have. This characteristic trait is also the foundation of ALL BAD CHARACTERISTIC TRAITS!

Translation: Correcting the Characteristic Traits
From this we understand the key ingredient to doing teshuva (repentance) and living a life connected to Hashem! In order for an individual to work on themselves (if they are not in a Torah environment like most of us) and their Service of Hashem, they must learn from their rock bottom moments and points of spiritual destruction. Just like the Red Cow, which we use the red ashes to purify ourselves (complete opposites), so too the Jew in our spiritually horrendous generation. In order to become a real connecting Jew we must think, ask questions, listen and ACT upon our Rabbi’s advice.

The only way to really reach a level of accomplishment and spiritual success is using those ROCK BOTTOM events (and hopefully they will stay in our hsitroy and will not be repeated) to push forward and excel spiritually by doing Mitzvot, working on our characteristic traits (Middot), helping others, attending minyan, saying Berachot, keeping Shabbat, keeping kosher, avoiding all the places we should avoid, giving Tzedakah, etc.

Shabbat Shalom!

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