Sunday, December 09, 2012

CLD #754

Hannukah has the root of the word Hinuh (education, parenting) in it. Hannukah is about transferring the life of Torah and Mitzvot to the next generation. According to recent Shiurim and Divrei Torah by Rabbis around the area, we hear that the essence of Hannukah is Hinuh and the essence of Hannukah is Lehodot, to thank Hashem. We say in the Al HaNissim prayer that we add specifically on Hannuakh (and Purim) in the end of the prayer (after stating all the miracles and wonders of the time of Hannukah) VeNodeh Leshimcha HaGadol Selah, and we shall be thankful to Your Great Name forever.

What does it mean to be thankful? When one is thankful, they exert love. What is really love? We heard in a recent shiur that the word love is Hebrew, Ahava, has the Aramaic word Hav inside it (Hei-Bet). The word Hav in aramaic, says Rav Dessler, means ‘to give’ in english. When someone gives, they actually show that they love. When someone shows that they love, they are appreciative of the other individual.

The entire Torah ‘stands’ on the phrase from the pasuk in VaYikrah: VeAhavta LeReacha Kamocha, and may your love your fellow like you love yourself. When someone works on their Torah and Mitzvot, they learn to appreciate eveyrhting and everyone around them. They learn to appreciate Hashem. They learn to appreciate their spouse, their children, their parents, their belongings. They learn to respect their employees and human beings around them.

Hannukah is about understanding that Hashem is in control of the world and that ‘Hashem created me.’ When G-d forbid someone enters a situation where their life is at danger and they are saved by a human being, they feel that the rest of their life should be revolved around thanking the person who saved them. Maybe people find themselves in these situations just because they FAIL to thank Hashem and therefore are ‘forced’ to thank Hashem now because they had to be shown that their life is NOT in their own hands. If we live NOW with that concept of thanking The Supreme Being, Hashem, for all we have and for our reality of life, then we will NEVER get to a situation where our life is jeopardized!

A Jewish life revolves around bringing Hashem in everything we do. This Hannukah let’s bring Hashem into our life even more by thinking about all He does for us. Take one minute, even 30 seconds and just think.

Hannukah Sameah.

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