For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L &
Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Baruch Hashem we have reached another Torah cycle! With
G-d’s help we will again read the Torah this year and further learn from it and
teach from it and be inspired from it just to make Hashem happy with us. The
key to understanding Bereshit is reading the Parasha with Rashi’s commentary on
it because it is extremely deep and detailed. The interesting part of Sefer Bereshit
is its detail, compared to Devarim which we just finished which discusses on
broad terms the entire Torah (Devarim is known to be the book that ‘reviews’
the four books of Torah beforehand).
Bereshit is a book that spans out from Creation (5,773 years
ago) up until Yosef’s death (which is a span of more than 2,000 years).
However, each story in Bereshit is extremely detailed, even though from story
to story the Torah skips hundreds of years. One of the beauties of the Torah is
Creation. As known to all (or should be known), G-d created the world in Six
days and on the Seventh Day, the Shabbat, He rested. On the fifth day G-d
created animals, beasts, wildlife, brids, etc. This is today’s CLD.
Rashi on the Pesukim (verses) from Perek Aleph (Chapter 1), 20-22,
we see remarkable details in what Hashem chooses to bless and what Hashem
avoids blessing. Rashi explains on Pasuk Chaf Bet (22) that Hashem blessed the
ocean wildlife and the birds because humans eat them, hunt them and cause their
population to decrease. Simple, right? But then Rashi proposes a question. If
so, animals and beasts also need a blessing from Hashem because they are also
hunted and eaten (speaking on an international non-Kosher level as well)!
The answer is great and teaches us a solid lesson: Hashem
REFUSED to bless the animals because under that category falls the snake. If
Hashem would have blessed the animals on the fifth day of creation then
Hashem’s blessing would ‘override’ the curse on the following day (Rashi teaches
us that the sin of Adam and Eve happened on the 10th hour of the Sixth
Day, right before Shabbat)! Look at the power of an evil person!
This is the importance behind who we are friends with, who
we accompany ourselves with, who we do business with, who we learn with, etc.
Your surrounding makes up who you are. There are many people say, why not be
really close with non-Jews? Why not be really close with people who drive on
Shabbat or eat non-Kosher? Why not be close with people who SPEAK LASHON HARA
(gossip about others)? Why not be close with people who trash talk Rabbis? The
list goes on and on.
This teaches us the opposite as well, no matter how
spiritually low or even financially low you are, if you involve yourself with
spiritually high people, financially successful people or people that influence
you to Torah, Mitzvot, happy lifestyle, success, YOU WILL BE BLESSED! Why not
start off the new Torah cycle with a fresh Shabbat that you CAN keep? Or even
start off this new Torah cycle with being around people who keep Shabbat?
Shabbat Shalom!
Smile, cuz Hashem
LOVES you!
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