Monday, September 03, 2012

CLD #673

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
The Rashash (Rabi Shalom Sharabi t’zl), one of the bigger Mekubalim (Kabbalists) says that a person who does Teshuva (repentance) on a single thing (by changing his.her actions fully) it is equivalent to the person repenting on all his/her actions. Why? Because every single Mitzvah is connected to all the Mitzvot that are obligated for us to do and every single Avera (sin) holds a connection all ther Averot we are obligted to avoid.

During the month of Elul (only 2 weeks left until Rosh HaShanah) there is an extra push for us to do Teshuva. However, it is difficult to do Teshuva on all our actions! Therefore, one needs to take upon himself a great deal of strength to do Teshuva on a single action/avera instead of getting confused and lost by trying to do Teshuva and fix all his actions. Teshuva is not talking about thinking about doing teshuva and taking it upon ourselves to try to make some plan of fixing our actions, rather doing teshuva fully means getting to the same desired level of sinning and ACTING upon our previous thoughts of repenting. Its all about the action.
If one follows this simple guideline of focusing his/her efforts on doing Teshuva on a single Mitzvah, his/her Rosh HaShanah will be complete. During Rosh HaShanah one will feel uplifted and satisfied with their preparation they did during Hodesh Elul (the time is now) and will have blessing for the whole year of serenity, peacefulness, satisfaction, spiritual success and onwards. This Dvar Torah was explained by a Talmid from Rav Pinto’s yeshiva in the name of Rav Shlomo Pinto shlita.

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