Thursday, August 09, 2012

CLD #659

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Baruch Hashem I had the zechut (privilege) to be by the Kotel for a year and study Torah. Rav Darmoni, my Rabbi, explained to us a beautiful concept of Tefillah.

We say everyday, three times for each Amida (Tefillat Shmoneh Esreh), the Beracha (blessing) of Magen Avraham (blessing Hashem for watching over Avraham Avinu). However, before the actually Beracha we say a couple of interesting words and if one looks deeply into them he/she sees how many hidden messages are behind our Tefillah. The Amida and the entire seder (order) of the Tefillah as a whole was set up by the Anshei Kenesset HaGedolah over 2,000 years ago. The Anshei Kenesset HaGedola (the Great Assembly) was filled with prophets from the time of the Second Bet HaMikdash, just imagine their greatness and spirituality that filled the room of 120 Hachamim (Scholars)!

These people were also the last of the prophets the world will see, due to the decree that prophecy will no longer be available like it was during that time. What is written in the Siddurim regarding the Beracha we are focusing on? Melech Ozer UMoshiya UMagen Baruch Ata Hashem Magen Avraham. The King who helps, saves and watches over, Blessed Are You, Hashem, The One who watches over Avraham.

Each verb used before the actual blessing fits in different contexts. Ozer in Hebrew refers to helping during an actual time of crisis and/or tragedy. Moshiya in Hebrew refers to helping right before the crisis hits, meaning the person in danger sees that a crisis is about to occur but gets saved before any tragedy happens. Magen refers to the person living his/her day to day life and not even experiencing any form of threat! And which verb do we use for the climax, for the beracha after this sentence? Magen.
This teaches us that whenever we pray, we should pray for the maximum. After all, if Hashem is our father, when He gives He gives with all His “heart” and does it in a gentleman way of 110%. Therefore, the next time you pray for Hashem to help you in something ask for a 100 on a test, for the $15 million deal that is ‘impossible’ to close or for the best and cheapest airline tickets, etc. Hashem is unlimited and the whole world is in Him, therefore start praying because He has the keys to unlock every door!

By the way, it’s officially less than 40 days before Rosh HaShanah.
The smell of Hagim (the big Holidays) is already in the air. How do I prepare now before its too late?

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