For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel
For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Taken from Rav Ovadia’s Halacha Email:
1. There is an inyan
(concept) on Shabbat not to set up/prepare anything for hol (the weekday). Therefore, one can only make their bed Shabbat
morning only if they have guests in their bedroom and it makes the environment
uncomfortable to have a messy bed lichvod
Shabbat (to respect the Shabbat). Also, one may not clean the dishes on
Shabbat if the next time they will be used will be on yom hol (the weekday).
2. One might believe that during Shabbat pouring water on
dishes that one no longer needs until after Shabbat is prohibited because one
is preparing/setting up on Shabbat for yom hol. However, one is not allowed to
wash dishes and this does not include just pouring water over dishes that have
sticky leftovers. Therefore, one may not wash dishes no longer needed for
Shabbat, but they can pour water onto them to make it easier to clean for
Motzei Shabbat.
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