Monday, July 16, 2012

CLD #638

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Every single person has a fully energized disguised mission to reach this dream of completion. However, we as Jews have the yetzer hara (evil inclination) to deal with. That angel wants us to completely lose everything enjoyable and beneficial to ourselves (guf ve neshama, body and soul alike). What does he do? He tells us in the middle of the act, no matter how bad it is: “you think you can fix this disastrous act?! Obviously not so there is no point to stop, continue sinning!”

The biggest mistake we do is that we continue to listen to his evil advice! Where do we see this in the Gemara? One of the bachurim (Talmidei Hachamim from Yeshiva) told me this. He said that in Masechet Berachot the Gemara explains that one who does not say a Beracha on food is like someone who eats garlic and has bad breath and continues to eat garlic. Instead of stopping the bad breath by swooshing some mouthwash the person should eat garlic?! Obviously not. Therefore the Gemara says if someone did not say a Beracha (blessing) on food, they should not continue eating food without a Beracha, rather say a Beracha and continue eating!

The same goes for someone who is in a bad state/situation in life right now. They are spiritually down or even if in the hour, or only today they are spiritually ‘off.’ There is no such rule that if one is spiritually turned off it means they should continue expecting the spiritual disaster to continue. Rather, one should put in the itsy bitsy effort of getting into a spiritual high (every Jew knows what I am talking about, no matter how secular or leftist you are), and Hashem will do the rest.

G-d willing we will begin listening to our Yetzer HaTov (Good Inclination) who just tells us all day to move our lips, say Tefillah from the depth of our heart to Hashem to forgive us for our past or for even thinking about changing our positive ways and continue striving to reach our huge spiritual potentials.

Start off the week great: smile.
But not too much because its ben hametzarim.

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