the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
או ימים או חדש או ימים בהאריך הענן על המשכן לשכן עליו יחנו בני ישראל ולא יסעו ובהעלתו יסעו
our Parasha, Parashat Beha’alotcha, there are many topics, stories, and
Halachot that teach us a bunch of things. There is one key issue that is
discussed in the parasha that really brings us to a pillar of Emunah in our
lives. This pasuk on top explains that only when the spectacular Clouds of
Glory would begin to move then all of Am Yisrael had to pack up all there
things, all 2,000,000+ of them, and follow the ananei hakavod to the
next place of dwelling in the desert.
let’s try to think a little bit deeper what it means to make 2,000,000+ Jews
who just came out of slavery to literally pack up and move out. Actually, just
think about the last trip you were involved in, whether it be 5 or 75 people
and think about the time you all had to move out from one location to the next.
Is it not a miracle to believe that these Jews, all TWO MILLION+ of them, were able
to travel with a Mishkan, with Yosef’s coffin/bones, with The Aron HaKodesh
with the Luhot HaBrit inside, and with millions of animals and tents, clothing,
anything this causes me to G-d forbid go against the belief of the Torah and
how practical it is?! But in reality it does the exact opposite, the fact that
Hashem is the one controlling the world anything is possible. Even if it means
moving 200 million people from one location to another. Now let’s think a
little more emotional. Imagine a single family out of Bnei Yisrael in the
desert. Who knows what the family was going through and all of a sudden there
are trumpet sounds blasting throughout the camps and everyone begins packing:
THE CLOUDS ARE MOVING. Did Beni Yisrael complain about the breast feeding they
had to do? Or the animal caring they had to watch for? Or maybe a couple was in
a deep conversation about their Avodat Hashem and how they can improve it? No
one uttered a word.
was living with complete Emunah (faith) that Hashem is running the show. And Be’ezrat
Hashem we should reach the level that when Hashem moves our "Clouds of Success" or G-d forbid what looks like the opposite, we should also accept His decisions
with happiness and full Emunah that its all for the best.
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