Monday, June 04, 2012

CLD #605

When we are faced with difficult spiritual challenges there is nothing easier than saying "I give up, you win Yetzer Hara." However, what we do not think about is the other side. What is Hashem saying when we go on strike against the Yetzer and give in to our Yetzer HaTov (Good Inclination) that is bold to say: "You know the right way, start doing the right thing!"

The real issue is even if we do think about the good path, we still fall to the hands of the Yetzer Hara, R'L. Therefore what is the only solution? To learn about the specific sin the Yetzer is testing us about. For example, if someone has a horrible habit of getting angry all the time, maybe they should open up Sha'ar HaKa'as (the Gate of Anger) in Orchot Tzadikkim or look up Anger in the most famous books of Mussar. If someone has an eating habit that is dangerous to their present or future health, maybe they should look at what it means to really love something and how one can channel that love to other things.

And on an even deeper level, one needs to realize that Hashem gives us these challenges to become greater people, whether it be more spiritual or just an overall better person. The book Takanat HaShav by Rav Yisrael Yaakov Lugasi explains that one needs to view Nisyonot (spiritual tests) as a positive thing. This is what brings us to real times of thought on where we are standing spiritually and where Hashem is telling us to go. The battle is life, life is one big game against the Yetzer.

Now imagine we want a life wihout the Yezter Hara. What kind of life is that? The Gemara in Masechet Yoma explains that Hazal (our Sages) prayed for the Yetzer to be abolished from the world and it did but they saw there was no reproduction or production of anything whatsoever. The drive of humanity runs on this Inclination! Therefore, we must be real with ourselves, accept this drive and know what Torah books to learn in order to channel it for the good.

B'H may we only celebrate in eachother's smachot.

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