Saturday, June 30, 2012


L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Moshe ben Leah Z’L.
From Yalkut Yosef:

1. Every fruit that has a chance of insect manifestation should not be eaten with a Beracha until it is checked for insects/bugs. This way one does not say the Beracha and then pauses a long time to check for bugs causing an hefesk, which is an issue regarding the Halachot of saying Berachot. One should check for bugs and then close the fruit again to say the Beracha on a “complete” fruit.

2. If one said a Beracha on food and then before putting the food in his/her mouth they heard another Beracha, they are not allowed to answer Amen. However if bediavad (worst case scenario) the person answered Amen before tasting from his/her own food, they can still eat the food and do not need to say another Beracha. But if one said Amen to another Beracha in the middle of his/her own Beracha, they must repeat their Beracha.


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Friday, June 29, 2012

CLD #625

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L and Moshe ben Leah ZL.
Everyday there are a ton of miracles that happen to us and for our safety that we do not know about. Hashem has a special hashgacha (protection) called Hashgacha peratit that holds with every single Jew in the entire world. As we say in Tefillah every single day in the part of Modim, the part of Thanking Hashem for everything. In this paragraph we say thanks “al nisecha shebechol yom imanu ve’al nifleotecha vetotvotecha shebechol et…” on your miracles that are with us everyday and your miraculous events that are with us every time. What does nifleotecha mean? Miraculous events?

There is an amazing story from our Parasha, Parashat Hukat, that discusses the cruelty behind the seven nations that inhabited Eretz HaKodesh before they entered with Yehusha’s lead. What was so miraculous about the journey in the Midbar? In the Midbar the Ananei HaKavod (the Clouds of Glory that surrounded Am Yisrael with protection) and Be’er Miriam (the well that provided water for all 3 million of them) disappeared with the deaths of Aharon and Miriam, showing us that these two vital pieces of protection existed because of their existence. Aharon's death caused the nations that knew Am Yisrael was on their way to Eretz Cna’an to drop the fear they had of such a great nation, which was under the direct leadership of Hashem! The evil and cruelty began to reveal itself:

Rashi discusses in a Pasuk in our Parasha, Bamidbar 21:15 the breakdown of the miracle. The Amoraim had a great plan: they were going to hide in the moutain tops that lay between the valley that Am Yisrael was going to travel through. All they needed to do to kill them was simply role down into the narrow valley the boulders and shoot down lethal arrows. Hashem created a miraculous event. He made the mountains which were standing side by side to connect. This connection caused everyone on the side of the mountain to die. The Amoraim were hiding in the caves of the mountain and, like puzzle pieces, Hashem brought the mountains together to kill them before they can harm Israel!

Only when Am Yisrael experienced the miracle of a new well (after Miriam died the well that was journeying with them disappeared and they had no water) they saw blood and limbs and bones rushing down the stream of the new well! Rashi explains that at that moment Am Yisrael realized how much Hashem does for them and they began to sing a song of Praise (like Az Yashir after Kriyat Yam Suf, the splitting of the Red Sea).

This story teaches us that Hashem is with us every second of everyday in our entire lives and all we need to do is to make our hearts look up into Shamayim (the Heavens) and pray to Hashem. We don’t know how much Hashem does for us so who are we to complain?! Why not begin the a new lifestyle of thank you and a positive attitude by keeping Shabbat and testifying to all those around us that Hashem is in control of the world, and even if I don’t work on Saturday Hashem will still provide for me!

Shabbat Shalom!

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. If one forgot checks or cash in their coat/suit jacket pocket on Shabbat, and they want to wear that piece of clothing, they need to shake out the money/checks from the pocket without touching it before they wear it. Even though the money/check is in the pocket and in a place where there is an Eruc it is allowed to carry, in any case usually people check their pockets so it is correct to take out all the money from the entire piece of clothing before wearing that suit/coat.

2. One is allowed on Shabbat to put water in the plastic ice cube maker or pour water into a bag so it freezes into ice and place them in the freezer. It is best to be cautious regarding the bag and not to double tie the bag so the water does not pour out, but from the base of the halacha one is allowed to tie two knots in this case. One is also allowed to cut open the bag to take out from it the ice and if one does not want all of it they can simply put it back in the freezer [this is not violating the prohibition of preparing something on Shabbat for the weekday because this person just wants to prevent the ice from melting]. It is also allowed to be lenient and place foods in the freezer on Shabbat so they do not get spoiled.


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CLD #624

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Here is a little Dvar Torah about inyanei Kedusha (concepts of purity) texted to me by a friend who is in a yeshiva in Maryland Ner Yisrael.

The letter Vav, the sixth letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet, represents the Brit Milah (place of circumcision, religious slang for the male private part). The letter looks like the male organ, it symbolizes the private part by connecting letters and words together as that’s what its job is in the Hebrew language and that is exactly what the Brit does in nature, it connects man and woman.
My friend explains that the letter Vav means hook. Its gematriya (numerical value) is six. The sixth Sefira in Kabbalah represents Yosef HaTzadik who ran away from Eshet Potifar that tirelessly tried to seduce him. Yosef represents the ultimate win against the yester hara of seduction and sexual immorality. Also from this Mitzvah of distancing away, Am Yisrael had miracle after miracle of women giving birth specifically SIX children at a time.

The letter Pei represents the mouth, which is pronounced Peh in Hebrew. These two organs are the only ones that are directly in the center, meaning they are the foundation and basis point for all men. They are directly connected and show us that they both need to be watched. One who thinks before they speak so all they said is Leshem Shamayim will rarely or never have Brit Milah problems (with Kedusha). This is the secret of Tzelem Elokim, being created in G-ds image, because Elokim, Hashem’s name has a gematriya of 86 (Aleph+Lamed+Hei+Yud+Mem = 1+30+5+10+40) which is the two letters mentioned above together: Peh=80 and Vav=6.  
If one lives their life with the goal of staying holy all they need to do (and it is not easy) is to watch what they say and how the behave with their body.

Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat is called yom menucha, a day of rest, because it is our chance to gather the Kedusha in the world and use it for the rest of the week). Freedom is purity. Purity is holiness. Holiness is Hashem.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. Even though there is no mandatory law to eat meat during Shabbat because it is not like Sukkot where one is commanded to be happy (happiness is eating meat and drinking wine), whoever can financially buy meat should do so anyway. One should greaten the intake of wine and meat on Shabbat based on how much he/she can. One should intake foods that are special on Shabbat for Oneg Shabbat. One who cannot financially buy food for Shabbat should at least buy enough for two meals. One should even lessen the weekday food consumption just to save for Shabbat meals. If one cannot buy enough food for two full Shabbat meals they should go to Gabbais and ask for money to help them buy food for three full Shabbat meals.

2. It is correct to eat fish on Shabbat and if one can they should eat fish throughout all three Shabbat meals, and if they cannot at least during the first and third Shabbat meals. Whoever dislikes the taste of fish should not be forced to eat, because Shabbat was given to Am Yisrael for pleasure. One should clean their hands with water, eat bread and drink a beverage between the intake of fish and meat. If one’s hands are clean and they ate with a fork they can be lenient and ignore the hand washing (but not the halacha of eating bread and drinking a beverage to clean out their mouth).

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CLD #623

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Ga’ava, as every Jew should know, is the worst Middah to be a big shot in. This characteristic trait, the trait of having pride in oneself and believing that we are in control and only because of my own effort alone am I succeeding, is probably the top 3 worst Middot to obtain. The Orchot Tzadikkim brings down in his book the issue of Ga’ava firstly because of its danger to one’s spiritual health. If one’s spiritual health is in danger then they are going to end up being physically unhealthy as well.

So what should we do? The Orchot Tzadikkim brings down an entire section that explains the balance between obtaining a tiny bit of pride in ourselves, which we need in order to continue living and distancing ourselves from ultimate pride that boosts our ego and distances ourselves from Hashem. He says one will distance so much from Ga’ava to the point of extreme that the person will stop praying because he thinks if he prays people will believe he is a big tzadik and the person will start wearing ripped clothing so people won’t think he is a big shot. All these ways are terrible.

So he says to pray in length and open your heart to Hashem, to be stringent on the good and cautious regarding the bad, and he should do all Mitzvot in private and in public. If one will respect him for this he should not be scared that it is the yetzer hara who is trying to make him forget about Hashem and become arrogant, rather he should say to himself: at the time of the Mitzvah I did not do it for respect and for my reputation so I am not paying attention to it. And on and on. The Orchot Tzadikkim says the entire chapter of Ga’ava is only but a drop of water in an entire ocean of how much one needs to run away from Ga’ava and run towards modesty and behaving in the line of The Torah.

B’H we should enter the end of the week with Kedusha and Tahara to prepare for Shabbat Kodesh.

Shabbat Shalom!

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Ve’en Lamo Michshol:

1. It is prohibited to bring upon sadness to any Jew from Am Yisrael, even a katan (under 13 years old). One needs to be cautious not to embarrass or cause emotional/physical damage to a katan for no reason (not talking about a parent punishing his/her child). Many violate this prohibition, and allow themselves to embarrass and damage a child’s status, and they believe there is no prohibition for this, especially when damaging a child is like damaging an adult.

2. If one’s friend is a ba’al teshuva, one is not allowed to remind him the sins that they have done in the past, because this way he causes his friend emotional damage and sometimes he embarrasses him. This prohibition holds when the person causes personal damage and/or embarrassment even in a private way. Only if his intention is for the good to try to prevent him from falling down the same sinful path again one can be lenient and give rebuke privately.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

CLD #622

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Taken from Rav Yoshiyahu Pinto’s book Hazon Yoshiyahu.
There was once a beggar looking for end’s meat. He searched the entire city for the richest people and ended up in the King’s palace. After hearing the King is resting in the Royal Garden, the beggar came to the garden ready for some quick Tzedaka (charity). The guard at the entrance of the garden did not let the beggar walk in. He was so desperate to get the beggar away from the King he even offered him some cash! The beggar did not give up to the point that his yells and screams were heard all the way to the spot where the King was resting.

The King heard the noise and quickly asked the guard to let the beggar in. The beggar had a single request: fill up my Tzedaka bowl. The King thought to himself “this small bowl can be filled with a few coins, all this yelling for this small bowl?” The King realized there was something much deeper than the simple request. Every time the coin would be placed in the bowl it would disappear. The bowl was never filled.

The beggar simply answered after the King asked what’s going on: the bowl is exactly like man’s thinking. The more man satisfies his desire for the material and physical subtances/women the farther away the ‘bowl of desire’ will be filled. Meaning, the Yetzer Hara tricks us into burying our own pit. He tells us to run after the desire and the intense craving for that specific pleasure will go away. It is the exact opposite.

We must begin to act with the Yetzer Hara and ask Hashem for help from shamayim like we would act with a vicious and dangerous dog. When we see a dangerous dog we don’t satisfy his craving to bite into your skin! We fight him off and hurt him, no matter what it takes! The same goes for the yetzer hara, the more we hit him and hrut him and shut him down, the more we will be able to enjoy the sweetness of a life of Torah.

B’H may we all clear our minds of aimless matters and realize we are the children of Hashem, not liberal Americans and not part of the non-Jewish world.

Why am I part of this world and specifically this generation?

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. One who drinks water on a very hot day and the individual is not thirsty at all, rather he/she drinks not to become thirsty and prevent dehydration does not say the Beracha of Shehakol on the water. Therefore on Erev Ta’anit (the evening before a fast) only to avoid getting thirsty during the Ta’anit itself, one should not say a Beracha on the water.

2. The one who chews (obviously kosher certified) vitamins must have flavoring that causes one to enjoy the taste in order to say a the Beracha of Shehakol. If the vitamins have no flavor and the individual does not enjoy from them, no Beracha is needed.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

CLD #621

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
This Dvar Torah is taken from the book Takanat HaShav by Rav Yisrael Yaakov Lugasi shlit’a.
The biggest question in our generation is: where is Hashem and His help? It is promised in the Midrash of Shir HaShirim if we as human beings open up a hole the size of a mahat (pin) in our hearts to make room for Hashem, he will open up space for us the size of a ballroom. It also states in the Gemara, Masechet Yoma 38b that one who comes to purify himself, help is sent to him (from Shamayim, the Heavens).

Where in the world is this help? We see Jewish teens and young adults, spiritual people who came back from their time in Israel, single ladies and gentlemen falling spiritually left and right. How many times do we see a friend who one day has a Kippah on and the next it disappears. How many times do we hear of a story where Plonit (the average Jewish girl) had an 8 month span of hozer btshuva, becoming more religious, and now she promotes at clubs. Is the Gemara false? Can we shutdown our spiritual progression because this is nowhere in sight?!

Absolutely not. We do not comprehend the generation we are living in, called Ikveta DeMishecha in Aramaic. Or in simple English: “the heel of the Mashiach.” We are the final generation before the time of Mashiach’s reign. The Yetzer Hara’s last chance is now to punch us in the face spiritually. Make us fall, make us depressed because we make such huge mistakes! And it is obvious for everyone to get up and back o the horse of spirituality and closeness to Hashem by continuing to do Mitzvot, battling our inner self that is telling us not to follow the path of Torah and keep Shabbat, Kashrut (Kosher) etc.

But wait. Where does this power to get back up after the fall?! This is exactly the place where Hashem is behind filling up our fuel tank and starting our fire again! Rav Lugasi says even if we fell ONE HUNDRED times, we can never believe in surrendering and giving up. We are in a generation that its foundation is based on living in nisyonot, difficult spiritual challenges all the time. And if we fall, we fall. BUT WE MUST GET UP! This power that is re-created to try to get us to fall shows that this is what Hashem wants from us, He wants us to receive the strength He sends us and continue in the war. The key to spiritual success in our generation is to believe strongly that Hashem always accepts our Teshuva (repentance) and always wants us to try harder.


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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. It is not appropriate and respectful to place one leg on the other in a Bet Knesset (Shul/Kenissah) because it is a sign of ga’ava (arrogance). Even at home one should not sit like this. However, if the only reason for this way of sitting is to place a book on his legs to read in a more comfortable fashion it is allowed because Hashem wants our Heart (phrase for our attention/intention). In any case, in the Bet Knesset one should not do this even if his only reason is to read more comfortably, especially if he is a Ben Torah (Talmid Hacham).

2. It is clear to all to prevent from reading newspapers in the Bet Knesset, even if the newspaper was permitted by Rabbis to be read. It is recommended and suggested to be accustomed not to read newspapers because it leads to yetzer hara and is Bitul Torah (losing out on Torah learning).

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Sunday, June 24, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. One who hurts his friend and caused physical and/or emotional damage and paid for that damage (medical fees, psychologist etc.) must still ask forgiveness from the one who was hurt. The one who was hurt may not be cruel and refrain from accepting the apology.

2. A single or married woman is allowed to go to a plastic surgeon to repair or beautify her outer looks. There is no suspicion that she is going into the doubt of one who might be hurting themselves (which is prohibited), whether she be a single woman looking for a shidduch or she is married and is trying to look better for her husband. There is only a single exception that she must go to an experienced doctor who is quick and professional at this work so there shall not be any problem or damage from the operation.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

CLD #620

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham bn Ester ZT’L and Haviva bat Yocheved Z’L.
There are four places in the Tanach where four major people say the word “Ach” This word in the beginning of the Pasuk/phrase signifies a lack of something. The four people were: Korah, (the) Nachash, (the) Ofeh and Haman. Haman said that all the riches and wealth he had was not worth anything if Mordechai continued to act the way he did. Korah said the same thing in the Parasha we read today regarding what he lacked (the Kehuna, priesthood).

What is the center of Korah and the 250 people behind him and their problem? Ga’ava, Romemut, Srarah, etc. Arrogance, Pride, leadership WITHOUT Hashem’s control and power. Meaning, a life without knowing that Hashem is the one in control is no life at all. As we saw with Haman (in a CLD before Purim this year), he had millions upon millions of rubies, diamonds and jewels and it was not worth it.

This shows us we all need to be happy with what we have, because as it says in Prikei Avot Ezeku Ashir, HaSameah BeHelko Who is the wealthy one? The one who is happy with his lot. Be’ezrat Hashem we should have the energy to continue living with Hashem and on the path of the Torah Hakdosha, which shows us we AGREE with what Hashem puts in our bank account and we do not complain.
We mentioned four people on top of the CLD tonight because their names spell out the word Kinah, which means jealousy. Korach = Kof, Nahash  = Nun, the Snake from Adam and Hava, the Ofeh = Alef, the Baker from Yosef’s jailtime and Haman = Hei. This shows us one who is jealous does not trust Hashem fully that everything is from Him.


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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
From Yalkut Yosef:

1. One who says a Beracha on Tea and/or Coffee (Shehakol) should cool down the beverage before saying the Beracha because once one says the Beracha they should drink. One should not create a hefsek between saying the Beracha cooling down the drink for a couple of seconds and drinking. If one did do that, they do not say the Beracha of Shehakol for the drink again (bediavad). Even if one waited an amount of time it takes to say the Beracha again to cool down the drink, he/she should not return to say the Beracha.

2. Whoever said a Beracha and begin chewing on the food and haven’t swallowed yet, if Kaddish or Kedusha is taking place they must answer the appropriate answers. Answering the Kedusha or Kaddish is not considered a hefsek (stop) between the Beracha and eating the food as long as the mouth is enjoying the food. If one is eating and the food is close to the place of swallowing the food, then they should think the Amen in their head instead of saying it out loud and entering a doubt of choking.


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Friday, June 22, 2012

CLD #619

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.

ויאמר משה בזאת תדעון ה' שלחני לעשות את כל המעשים האלה כי לא מלבי
Bamidbar 16:28

Parashat Korah is best known for the famous Mahloket (argument/debate) between the evil Korah, Datan and Aviram with Moshe Rabbenu and Aharon HaKohen. However, I want to focus on a single Pasuk in the Parasha that shows what it means to be a real thinking Jew.

Moshe Rabbenu, as stated in Parashat Beha’alotcha, is the most modest human being on the planet. Not only was Moshe Rabbenu the best Rabbi, Navi (prophet), politician (without the negative connotation), leader, motivator, manager, father, husband, brother, etc. but Moshe was also the truest Jew who lived solely to make Hashem happy and be His servant! From the Pasuk that discusses what Moshe tells Korah and the 250 Nesiei Eidah (members of Shevet Reuven) after their complaint and the heart of the rebellion, we see the greatness of Moshe Rabbeinu.

Moshe tells them out loud: you must know and realize Hashem is the one who chose me for this position and to monitor and lead all these events that are taking place, because it is not from my own heart. From this Pasuk we see Hashem teaching us why we need to work on ourselves to reach our potentials to become a human being like Moshe. Rashi says that not only did Hashem make Moshe the leader of Am Yisrael for 80 years (in total), but He also made Moshe like the King of Am Yisrael.

Who despises power?! I don’t think we will find even a single king or queen in the world today, even if they are only figureheads, who dislike their political position! But what does Moshe Rabbenu say? It is not from my own heart. Meaning, I do not do these things because I decided it is best for my future or because I enjoy my powerful role. I do it because Hashem is telling me to do it.

(Speaking to myself as well) We all need to begin living our Jewish lives (even if we only have a touch of Judaism in our day-to-day living) because Hashem says so. Not because it is what is best for me and not because it is the happiest life. THIS IS WHAT HASHEM WANTS. That is real Judaism, that is the bechina (level) of Moshe Rabbenu.

Judaism=Think, not money.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. Whoever is accustomed to brushing their teeth daily with a toothbrush, there are those who say it is prohibited on Shabbat for many reasons (the chance of bleeding, creating something new when placing the paste on the brush, etc.). If a person who refrains themselves from brushing will become upset from the smell of their breathe and other things that result from not brushing, then one is allowed to brush their teeth on Shabbat even by using a toothbrush (and not their finger). However, they must be one of those people who don’t bleed when brushing their teeth. It is best to use liquid toothpaste and be stringent by buying a toothbrush that will only be used on Shabbat. One should not wash the toothbrush after using it, to refrain from preparing something on Shabbat for a yom hol (weekday).

2. One can use a toothpick on Shabbat, unless it is made out of metal (because that is considered mukzteh and cannot be picked up). One is also allowed to take out a piece of food that is stuck in his/her gums and they must be cautious not to bleed. If one did bleed from this act it is not considered hillul Shabbat (desecrating the Shabbat).


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Thursday, June 21, 2012

CLD #618

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
A Ziploc bag can remind you of a picnic in 5th grade with your family on Shabbat afternoon. A Ziploc bag can remind you of that time you threw up on the way to Upstate New York going skiing with your friends during High School. A Ziploc bag can remind you of your child’s adorable little lunch. And on and on…

But how can we see a Ziploc bag through the eyes of a Jew? If we put those little packets people hand out of Tehillim, Tikkun Klali, Tefillat HaDerech, Perek Shirah, Igeret HaRamban etc. in a Ziploc bag and then we cover that bag with another and then another and another up until five or six or even nine bags, will we see whats inside the bag clearly? No, we won’t.

We might be able to see a letter or recognize what the book is called from the color, but it will not remain clear until we take out all the bags from within eachother. What does this have to do with anything? The process of Lahzor B’Tshuva is not as simple as it looks.
Lahzor BTshuva is exactly like an onion and the Ziploc bag. When a Jew falls into the hands of the yetzer hara to sin, they apply to their Neshama (soul) this bag or an extra onion layer to seal off the Neshama (soul) from Hashem’s light and closeness. This spiritual light that Hashem constantly brings into the world is the source of Kedusha (purity) and Simha (happiness) for all humanity. Therefore, the only way to start FEELING that Kedusha is by doing Mitzvot, reading Tehillim, praying, answering Kaddish, etc. By doing these acts we peel off all the layers of onion we applied to ourselves and all those little bags we are using to spiritually choke ourselves.

BH beginning now we can look forward to Rosh Chodesh (today) and Shabbat Kodesh (tomorrow) to help us peel off these spiritually negative layers of impurity. 

Chodesh tov.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. One should wake up early Friday morning to prepare for Shabbat and buy the proper groceries/items. It is best to buy them on Erev Shabbat (Friday) and not before to have the preparation as close as possible to Shabbat unless he/she must buy it before because they cannot buy the product on Friday. If one has someone else that can do they grocery/product shopping instead they should be stringent and do it themselves to give respect to Shabbat, and it is a bigger Mitzvah when done in his/her own hands than a messenger.

2. With the sweat one perspires during the preparation for Shabbat, Hashem uses the drops to erase sins like tears. Therefore, one should not be lazy in the preparation of Shabbat. One should also say “Lichvod Shabbat Kodesh” when doing this preparation throughout Friday.


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CLD #617

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.

What does it mean that a Ba'al Teshuva (one who was not following Torah and Mitzvot and decided to follow an observant Jewish life) can reach higher and closer places in spiritual terms to Hashem? The Gemara in Masechet Berachot states that there is no place for Tzadikkim (righteous individuals from birth) in the place of Ba'alei Teshuva.

In the book Ve'en Lamo Michshol Part 10, Rav Avraham Yisrael writes in the name of commentary on the Gemara a deep explanation. He goes to write that a person who sins takes Nitzotot of Kedusha (meaning sparks of holiness) from the world and hands them over to the Sitra Ahra (evil spiritual power). It is like fueling the engine for more negative spirits to control the world. When a person decides to get stronger in religion and the observance of the Holy Mitzvot, they actually take away all those nitzotzot that they handed over to the negative side to the positive. 

However, in order to completely do that this person must literally go through an intensive time span where there are spiritual prosecutors against him who don't want him to succeed spiritually. Therefore, they do all they can to make him go through a difficult time. This is why many people who get closer to Hashem after living a life lacking Mitzvot (there is no such thing because people are always doing Mitzvot, whether observant or not) see many difficult obstacles like a decrease in business activity and fights with family members, etc. 

So this person has to go through all this just to get close to Hashem! But how can this person be saved from all these spiritual damaging prosecutors. Just those words together sounds scary! This is the big hiddush (juicy Torah secret/learning): Hashem has a special spot for these Ba'alei Teshuva in shamayim (Heaven/Gan Eden) where these spiritual prosecutors cannot touch them, unlike the Tzadikkim (righteous people) who do not have such a place close to Hashem like this! Therefore, it now makes sense when the Gemara says Tzadikkim do not stand where Ba'alei Teshuva do!

Its all up to you.
Chodesh Tov.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. There is no guarantee on a business deal that was agreed upon by two parties simply by word of mouth. For example, if one party asked another how much a product costs and they both agree on the price and there was even two witnesses to testify that both agreed, both can still dismiss the deal.

2. A Hatan (groom) who rented out a ballroom/place for his wedding and paid the full amount in advanced and unfortunately had a tragedy in the family, such as a parent’s passing days before the wedding, must change his wedding date. After a full thirty days of avelut (mourning), the Hatan needs to choose another wedding location. In order to receive the money he has used to pay in advance for the previous location he must negotiate with the previous ballroom owner and must reach a compromise.

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