Friday, June 29, 2012

CLD #625

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L and Moshe ben Leah ZL.
Everyday there are a ton of miracles that happen to us and for our safety that we do not know about. Hashem has a special hashgacha (protection) called Hashgacha peratit that holds with every single Jew in the entire world. As we say in Tefillah every single day in the part of Modim, the part of Thanking Hashem for everything. In this paragraph we say thanks “al nisecha shebechol yom imanu ve’al nifleotecha vetotvotecha shebechol et…” on your miracles that are with us everyday and your miraculous events that are with us every time. What does nifleotecha mean? Miraculous events?

There is an amazing story from our Parasha, Parashat Hukat, that discusses the cruelty behind the seven nations that inhabited Eretz HaKodesh before they entered with Yehusha’s lead. What was so miraculous about the journey in the Midbar? In the Midbar the Ananei HaKavod (the Clouds of Glory that surrounded Am Yisrael with protection) and Be’er Miriam (the well that provided water for all 3 million of them) disappeared with the deaths of Aharon and Miriam, showing us that these two vital pieces of protection existed because of their existence. Aharon's death caused the nations that knew Am Yisrael was on their way to Eretz Cna’an to drop the fear they had of such a great nation, which was under the direct leadership of Hashem! The evil and cruelty began to reveal itself:

Rashi discusses in a Pasuk in our Parasha, Bamidbar 21:15 the breakdown of the miracle. The Amoraim had a great plan: they were going to hide in the moutain tops that lay between the valley that Am Yisrael was going to travel through. All they needed to do to kill them was simply role down into the narrow valley the boulders and shoot down lethal arrows. Hashem created a miraculous event. He made the mountains which were standing side by side to connect. This connection caused everyone on the side of the mountain to die. The Amoraim were hiding in the caves of the mountain and, like puzzle pieces, Hashem brought the mountains together to kill them before they can harm Israel!

Only when Am Yisrael experienced the miracle of a new well (after Miriam died the well that was journeying with them disappeared and they had no water) they saw blood and limbs and bones rushing down the stream of the new well! Rashi explains that at that moment Am Yisrael realized how much Hashem does for them and they began to sing a song of Praise (like Az Yashir after Kriyat Yam Suf, the splitting of the Red Sea).

This story teaches us that Hashem is with us every second of everyday in our entire lives and all we need to do is to make our hearts look up into Shamayim (the Heavens) and pray to Hashem. We don’t know how much Hashem does for us so who are we to complain?! Why not begin the a new lifestyle of thank you and a positive attitude by keeping Shabbat and testifying to all those around us that Hashem is in control of the world, and even if I don’t work on Saturday Hashem will still provide for me!

Shabbat Shalom!

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