Thursday, June 28, 2012

CLD #623

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Ga’ava, as every Jew should know, is the worst Middah to be a big shot in. This characteristic trait, the trait of having pride in oneself and believing that we are in control and only because of my own effort alone am I succeeding, is probably the top 3 worst Middot to obtain. The Orchot Tzadikkim brings down in his book the issue of Ga’ava firstly because of its danger to one’s spiritual health. If one’s spiritual health is in danger then they are going to end up being physically unhealthy as well.

So what should we do? The Orchot Tzadikkim brings down an entire section that explains the balance between obtaining a tiny bit of pride in ourselves, which we need in order to continue living and distancing ourselves from ultimate pride that boosts our ego and distances ourselves from Hashem. He says one will distance so much from Ga’ava to the point of extreme that the person will stop praying because he thinks if he prays people will believe he is a big tzadik and the person will start wearing ripped clothing so people won’t think he is a big shot. All these ways are terrible.

So he says to pray in length and open your heart to Hashem, to be stringent on the good and cautious regarding the bad, and he should do all Mitzvot in private and in public. If one will respect him for this he should not be scared that it is the yetzer hara who is trying to make him forget about Hashem and become arrogant, rather he should say to himself: at the time of the Mitzvah I did not do it for respect and for my reputation so I am not paying attention to it. And on and on. The Orchot Tzadikkim says the entire chapter of Ga’ava is only but a drop of water in an entire ocean of how much one needs to run away from Ga’ava and run towards modesty and behaving in the line of The Torah.

B’H we should enter the end of the week with Kedusha and Tahara to prepare for Shabbat Kodesh.

Shabbat Shalom!

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