Monday, June 25, 2012

CLD #621

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
This Dvar Torah is taken from the book Takanat HaShav by Rav Yisrael Yaakov Lugasi shlit’a.
The biggest question in our generation is: where is Hashem and His help? It is promised in the Midrash of Shir HaShirim if we as human beings open up a hole the size of a mahat (pin) in our hearts to make room for Hashem, he will open up space for us the size of a ballroom. It also states in the Gemara, Masechet Yoma 38b that one who comes to purify himself, help is sent to him (from Shamayim, the Heavens).

Where in the world is this help? We see Jewish teens and young adults, spiritual people who came back from their time in Israel, single ladies and gentlemen falling spiritually left and right. How many times do we see a friend who one day has a Kippah on and the next it disappears. How many times do we hear of a story where Plonit (the average Jewish girl) had an 8 month span of hozer btshuva, becoming more religious, and now she promotes at clubs. Is the Gemara false? Can we shutdown our spiritual progression because this is nowhere in sight?!

Absolutely not. We do not comprehend the generation we are living in, called Ikveta DeMishecha in Aramaic. Or in simple English: “the heel of the Mashiach.” We are the final generation before the time of Mashiach’s reign. The Yetzer Hara’s last chance is now to punch us in the face spiritually. Make us fall, make us depressed because we make such huge mistakes! And it is obvious for everyone to get up and back o the horse of spirituality and closeness to Hashem by continuing to do Mitzvot, battling our inner self that is telling us not to follow the path of Torah and keep Shabbat, Kashrut (Kosher) etc.

But wait. Where does this power to get back up after the fall?! This is exactly the place where Hashem is behind filling up our fuel tank and starting our fire again! Rav Lugasi says even if we fell ONE HUNDRED times, we can never believe in surrendering and giving up. We are in a generation that its foundation is based on living in nisyonot, difficult spiritual challenges all the time. And if we fall, we fall. BUT WE MUST GET UP! This power that is re-created to try to get us to fall shows that this is what Hashem wants from us, He wants us to receive the strength He sends us and continue in the war. The key to spiritual success in our generation is to believe strongly that Hashem always accepts our Teshuva (repentance) and always wants us to try harder.


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