For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
People search all their life to find meaning and
accomplishment. The non-Jews believe its in the actions that support the body’s
current needs. How much happiness does one experience when following the Torah
For example the word Zahar
(male) in Hebrew has the same gematriya, or numerical value as Beracha (blessing). Is it a coincidence
that there is such a blessing in the homes of the family of the boy who must go
through the Kedusha of a Brit
milah? No, because everything is from Hashem.
For example, bH one must make sure during the Seudat Mitzvah
where the food is a bridge between reality and your Neshama. For example, in a
Brit Milah the Mitzvot pile up on top of eachother automatically. If its eating
a meal and saying many berachot, or bringing more Jews together to set up Nikki’s
family Ve’ahavta lere’echa kamocha, or having the Emunah that Hashem will make
sure the Brit happens according to Halacha. How much more meaning do you want in a life where all you do is bring more good into the world through the teachings of the Torah HaKdosha.
B’H Smachot for all
of Am Yisrael.
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