Thursday, April 26, 2012

CLD #576

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
There are many people that come up to religious leaders, Rabbis and Talmidei Chachamim to complain about the lack of spirituality they feel (or don’t). We always think that because we have Neshamot Hashem “has to” and is “obligated” to make us feel spiritual and help us enjoy from the spiritual energy that fills up the world to make it function.

That is absolutely incorrect. What we do not know is that we make up our own spiritual agenda and our own spiritual acceptance or rejection. The Shechina, or Divine Presence, which stands for Hashem’s spirituality (I guess) is exactly like a female dove. She needs to be cared for and one needs to work for her to even look at him. We cannot expect the Shechina to be as low as some bimbo who throws herself at the low life for $5, Hashem Yaazor. The Shechina is a queen who needs to be respected and taken cared for in every aspect.

This means that we, Am Yisrael, are not doing our job. How can we have Hashem’s presence live inside us and literally dwell in our beings? It says it directly in Shema Yisrael. We say it everyday “VeAhavta Et Hashem Elokecha Bechol Levavcha U’Vechol Nafshecha Uvechol Me’odecha. VeHayu HaDevarim HaEleh Asher Anohi Metzavecha Hayom Al Levavecha.” And love Hashem your G-d with all your hear and all your soul and all your wealth. And these things that I Hashem command you will be on your heart.

If we only put the effort WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTIONS, meaning without excuses like “5 minute snooze this nap is amazing” or “I am not sure if this is Kosher, it has a certificate so its good enough” or “she has a Jewish last name so she is okay”, ONLY THEN will we really live a life of Torah and spirituality. We cannot expect Hashem to throw His Divine Presence onto us and INTO our hearts without doing any work for it. Hashem is some professor that gives out A’s for no effort? Obviously not. Everything is based on 100% fairest judgment! We will only receive what we really deserve, and who knows better than Hashem?


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