Tuesday, March 13, 2012

CLD #540

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
On the subway you see the most interesting things. However, sometimes it only takes a small advertising or even the simplest picture to get your mind rolling on how our brains work and what makes us tick.

Across from where I was sitting was an interesting ad. It was a picture of this “twisted steel” painted in different colors with no real design to it. It was some media plastered on the train wall to advertise some museum showcasing these weird twisted steel that is considered “art.” I thought to myself: “I can’t wait to bash this picture tonight!” But STOP. Then I said: “First of all, to some people that might be considered art, that might be something that took months to build, that might be something worth millions of dollars.” Maybe it is special. Maybe it isn’t. But who cares, if its expectations, or even the expectations of the artist are high, then that means its valuable.

Expectations are everything. Or at least that’s what you learn in Business School. Managing the Boss is a famous phrase used in the Management department. It basically means “Do anything you can to make your boss happy,” and guess what? That is the goal of all jobs. It doesn’t matter if you are teaching pre-schoolers or in court for a $50 million lawsuit. All people care about is how you are perceived to the higher ups.
The Torah HaKdosha and Judaism is on such a wider scope its scary to even think about it. Why? Because the “higher up” in life is Hashem. As we say in Tefillah in the morning, Hashem is the one who scans our kidneys and reads the inner depth feelings in our Heart’s stored files and files of emotions and moods. Hashem is the boss. He is the one who knows our expectations inside out.

And guess what? He also knows our spiritual potentials. We can do so much more than what we actually do. Why can’t we reach that? Because we let ourselves bring us down. Hashem is the one who created us, so why would He throw at as a Torah with so many rules and regulations if it’s not good for us, If its not THE BEST for all our lives?

We are so worried about what people expects of us, but we do not worry about what Hashem expects of us. We also are not worried about our expectations of living a life had in hand with Hashem, The Creator of the world.

Have I thought about something today to strengthen my relationship with Hashem?


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